Chapter 2||School||

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Tohru's POV

"Well, it was a pleasure walking with you!" I said. 

"Same here!" replied Yuki. And we walked off in different directions. Suddenly, I was confronted by some girls. 

"What were you doing with Prince Yuki?" one of them said. 

"Prince Yuki?" I asked confused. 

"Yes, Prince Yuki," they said with flourish. "We are the Prince Yuki Fanclub. We-" they were interrupted when my best friends Uo and Hana appeared. 

"What's going on here?" asked Uo. 

"No-nothing," one of them stammered. 

"Good," replied Hana. 

"We-well see you later," they stammered. 

"Are you okay Tohru?" Uo asked. 

"I'm fine," I said. 

"How unfortunate for you to encounter them," said Uo. 

"Yeah. Very unfortunate," added Hana. 

"Well, let's get to class now!" I said. 

"Yeah," said Uo.

~Cooking Class~

"Why were you with the 'Prince' anyway?" asked Uo. 

"We met each other on the way to school," I replied. 

"Oh, by the way, how is Emi?" asked Hana. 

"She is doing fine," I said. "Thank you!" 

"No problem," replied Hana. 

"How is Megumi?" I asked. 

"Doing fine as well," said Hana. 

"Ladies, quit chit chatting," said the teacher. 

"But we're already done," replied Uo. 

"Honda-san made it all," said the teacher. 

"The rice is done," said Hana as if the teacher wasn't there. 

"Whatever," muttered the teacher walking off. 

"Itadakimasu!" we exclaimed and started eating.

"Tohru, you should eat more, you do have to work later right?" asked Uo. 

"Yup, I do have work later but don't worry, I am eating enough!" I said. 

"Really..." said Hana. 

"Really!" I replied. 

"But, saying that you would pay the school fees for you and your sister was really brave of you," said Uo. 

"Yeah, it was," agreed Hana. 

"Are you still living with your grandfather?" asked Uo. 

"Yeah!" I said nervously. If I told them I lived in a tent they would freak. 

"They are treating you well right?" asked Hana. 

"Yeah, they are!" I replied. 

"Alright then..." said Uo.

Emiko's POV

'Ah, school is so boring,' I thought. 'If I hadn't made that promise with mom, I wouldn't have chosen to go to school. I would rather work but I can't. Cause I have school.' 

"Honda-san, can you read the next 3 sentences aloud?" asked the teacher. I stood up and started reading in English, "The bluebird chirped happily as it flew through the air. 'Chirp, Chirp' it went. As I watched it I wished I could be as free as it could be." 

"Alright what about you next," said the teacher. "Hai," said the student.

Tohru's POV

~After School~

"Ah! Sohma-kun!" I said. 

"Hello," said Sohma-kun. "What did you and Shigure talk about?" 

"We talked about the story with the cat and the 12 animal zodiacs because I saw his figurines. There was no cat though," I said sadly. 

"Well, the cat is an idiot," replied Yuki. 

"Why?" I asked. "Oh! I have to get to work now. Later!" 

"Bye," replied Sohma-kun. I quickly rushed to work. It wouldn't be fair to burden my younger sister after all. 

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