Chapter 8||The Boar||

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Emiko POV

~The Next Morning~

"LEEK! LEEK! LEEK! I HATE LEEKS!" exclaimed Kyo and Kei together. I laughed. 

"I'm sorry...I'll make something else right now..." said my sister. 

"No. You don't have to," I said. Yuki spun his chopsticks and plugged Kyo's nose. I saw what he was doing and plugged Kei's nose. Kei looked at me confused and then looked at his brother and paled. "YOU ARE GOING TO EAT WHAT MY SISTER COOKS," I said menacingly. I grabbed his chopsticks and grabbed his serving of leeks and shoved it in his mouth. Kei obligingly started chewing but Kyo had already passed out as he had refused to chew. Soon the doorbell rang and Tohru went to see who it was.

Tohru POV

I opened the door and saw a girl peeking out behind the fence. 

"You're Tohru Honda right?" she asked. 

"Yeah!" I replied. 

"I-I'm K-kagura Sohma," said Kagura-san "I-is Kyo-kun really here?" 

"Yes! Kyo-kun is currently fighting against leeks," I replied. 

"Yay! K-kyo is finally back!" she exclaimed hurrying into the house. "Kyo-kun!" 

'A Sohma! I wonder if she is part of the Zodiac?' I thought. 

"I SAID I WON'T EAT LEEK!" said Kyo-kun. 

"If you want to complain, you are free to leave," said Sohma-kun. 

"KYO!" yelled Kagura. "These 4 months... Where did you go? Why didn't you call me? I really WANTED TO SEE YOU!" She had exploded during the last part. Emi and I just watched dumbfounded as Kyo-kun flew out of the house. Kei already fainted after finishing the leeks. "HYAAA!" yelled Kagura running after Kyo. "I WAS REALLY WORRIED!" Kagura-san started swinging Kyo around in the air. 

"Is Kyo-kun going to be okay?" I asked Shigure. 

"Yeah. That is just how Kagura shows affection," he replied. "Kagura is one of the 12 Zodiac." 

"I knew it!" I exclaimed. "Which one?" 

"I would say the boar," said Emi. "She acts a little like Tatsumaki." 

"I guess so..." I said. 

"But more importantly, your brother is getting beaten up," said Emi looking at Kei who just woke up. 

"Oh. Kagura's here," he said sighing. 

"Oh my! Kyo! Who did this to you?" asked Kagura after beating Kyo up. 

"You did," said Kei flatly. 

"Sorry Kyo. I was so excited that I got to see you!" said Kagura. Then she saw Kei and ran up to him and hugged him. "My cute brother-in-law! You're still as cute as ever!" she continued, squeezing him even more. I think I can see his soul coming out...

I sat there zoned out until I heard Kagura say, "Because we will marry in the future." During that time, she had let go of Kei and was sitting across from us. 

Kyo-kun then saying, "When was that decided?!" 

"I didn't know you had I fiancee! How wonderful!" I said. 

"Congrats," said Emi. Kei looked horrified. 

"Congratulations," said Shigure. 

"When we were young, you said you would marry me," explained Kagura. 

"That's because you were threatening me," said Kyo-kun. 

"But it's better if we marry another zodiac member because we don't change when we hug," said Kagura. 

"Of course you don't," said Emi not thinking. 

"Who are you?" asked Kagura. "I'm Emiko Honda. Tohru's younger sister," said Emi. 

"Nice to meet you!" said Kagura. "Wait... Why aren't you surprised?" 

"Umm..." hesitated Emi. Suddenly Kei hugged Emi. *Poof* "KEI! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" said Emi. There was purple smoke wafting around. Soon you could see a black rabbit biting Kei's hand. 

"Oww... That hurts," said Kei. 

"Serves you right," said Emi. 

"I just hugged you," said Kei. "You knew what would happen," said Emi, and then she punched him. "Why did she change?" asked Kagura. "We are also cursed," said Emi. "Excuse me." she walked out of the room. I followed her grabbing her clothes. 

"Here," I offered. *Poof* 

"Thanks," she said. Emi walked back in glaring at Kei while Kei was trying to act innocent.

"She would've asked a bunch of questions and be annoying until you give her an answer," explained Kei. 

"Hmph," said Emi.

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