Chapter 16||Meanwhile...||

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Third POV

While Tohru was 'with her friends', Emi decided to go out for a walk. "I'm going out!" she yelled to whoever was listening. 

"Can I come?" asked Kei, who had heard. 

"Sure," she yelled back. 

Kei hurried downstairs and said, "Let's go." 

They walked out of the house and after they were a little further away from the house, Emi said, "Isn't it nice weather today?" 

"Yeah, I guess," replied Kei. 

"I guess?! Well, whatever. I wonder where Tohru went," said Emi unhappily. 

"Didn't she say she went to a friend's house?" replied Kei. 

"Well, I'm pretty sure she isn't with Uo or Hana. She would've brought me if she was," Emi sighed. "I just wish she could trust me." 

"Well, I'm pretty sure she does. She probably doesn't want to drag you into whatever she's doing," argued Kei. 

"So you're saying that my sister is taking part in shady things or something like that?" replied Emi. 

"N-No! Of course not. Tohru isn't someone to do those things," said Kei quickly. "I know you are saying I think in your brain. After all, you don't know us that well..." 

"Well, yeah..." admitted Kei. 

"So, what do you want to do?" asked Emi after awhile of walking in silence.

"I don't know," replied Kei.  

"I know! We can go to Hana's house!" I cheered.

"Sure," replied Kei. "But wouldn't we be intruding?" 

"I'll tell her beforehand and we can just go when it is convenient," I shrugged.

"Isn't Hana like, Tohru's age though? What will we have to talk about?" asked Kei. 

"She has a younger brother named Megumi. He's 13, and I'm pretty sure he's in our grade," she replied. 

"I guess..." said Kei still unsure. 

"It'll be fun~" said Emi. 

"Fine..." muttered Kei.

Before they went to Hana's house, they decided to go to the park. Emi had texted Hana and asked if she could go to her house. Hana had replied, "Sure." Then she remembered that she had Kei with her so she asked Hana if Kei could come. 

After Hana agreed, Emi had an idea. "Ne, Kei. Why don't we take a picture together?" 

"Huh? Sure I guess," replied Kei. They both sat on swings and were both smiling. Emi looked at and hummed happily. 

"Here," she said handing her phone to him. 

"It looks better than I thought it would be," replied Kei. 

"Of course! I am in it!" replied Emi proudly. 

"Sure, sure," said Kei, rolling his eyes.

When they reached Hana greeted them and they went upstairs. "Where's Megumi?" asked Emi. 

"He's in his room," replied Hana calmly. 

"Thank you!" said Emi cheerfully. "Come on." When they walked into Megumi's room, they saw that he was making something. 

"What are you making?" asked Emi.

"Something for Saki-nee." he replied. 

"Cool," replied Emi. "Can we help?" 

"Sure," replied Megumi. Eventually, it was time for them to go as it was evening. "It was nice making things with you," said Megumi while they were making their way out the door. 

"It was nice making things with you too! See you!" replied Emi. 

"Bye," replied Kei. Megumi and Hana waved in response. "Come on. Let's go home now," said Kei. 

"Alright," replied Emi. "I wonder if Tohru is home yet..."

"If she isn't then what will we eat for dinner?" asked Kei. They had eaten lunch at the Hanajima residence. 

"Who knows?" replied Emi. 

"Can you cook?" asked Kei. "No," replied Emi. "Everything I cook just tastes... ugh. I can try though... But I can't promise you that it will be edible." Emi cringed at the thought of her cooking.

"Then let's just leave the cooking to Tohru..." said Kei. 

"Yeah," replied Emi.

When they arrived at home, Tohru was still out 'with her friends'. "I am starting to think that you're right and she is doing shady things. Even if she isn't, I'm still going to kill her once she arrives home," said Emi. "That is, if we don't starve first..." 

"That's true..." said Kei. "Let's just hope she arrives home soon." 

"Yeah," replied Emi. "I'm going to take a shower, 'kay?" 

"Sure," replied Kei. After they were all done with showers, they decided to wait for Tohru and Shigure at the table. Shigure had gone out while Emi and Kei were out. After some time, they all fell asleep at the table and when Shigure and Tohru came home, they were awoken by Shigure for dinner. Peaceful times these are...

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