Chapter 12||Are You Telling Me To...||

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Emiko POV



~Lunch/Break time~

"Oi!" said Keirotts. 

"Hmm...?" I said. 

"Are you ok?" he asked. 

"Yeah. You don't look well," said Sho. 

"I'm fine! Just a bit tired. That's all." I replied. 

"Are you suuuure?..." asked Keirotts. 

"Well... Why wouldn't I be fine," I said. Suddenly Kei put his hand on my forehead. 

"You have a fever baka." 

"Really?" I said starting to get drowsy. 

"Yeah really," replied Keirotts. Then I fell asleep.


'Great. She fell asleep.' I thought. "Now what?" I asked Sho. 

"We either carry her to the nurse's office or wake her up," said Sho. 

"Let's wake her up," I said. 

"That's just mean but... Alright," said Sho. 

"Emi... Wake up," I said. She groaned. "Come on Emi," I said again. She sat up groggily. 

"What?!" she said. 

"You fell asleep," I replied. 

"I didn't know you two were that close that you let Kei call you Emi," said Sho. 

"I guess..." I replied. 

"Anyway, you should go to the nurse's office Emi alright?" I said. 

"Fine..." said Emi trailing off. She got up and went to the nurse's office. 

When she got out of earshot, Sho said, "You like her don't you." "Wha-What makes you think that?!" I said panicking. 

"It's on your face. Anyway, since she is so cute and oblivious... don't you think that someone is going to take her away?..." said Sho trailing off. 

"I suppose so..." I said frowning. "Wait a minute! Are you telling me to..." 

"Obviously," said Sho rolling his eyes. "Anyways, think about it okay? Who knows what will happen."

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