Chapter 6||The Apology||

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Tohru POV

~On the Way Home~

"We worked hard again didn't we?" I asked Emi. 

"Yeah," she replied. 

"Do you think everybody is asleep?" I asked her. 

"Maybe," she answered. 

"Do you think Kyo-san and Kei-san ate?" I asked. 

"Who knows?" shrugged Emi. "Stop worrying over them like they're your children."

"Emi, do you think I'm in the way?" I asked. 

"Of course not," said Emi. I heard a noise and swung my bag. 

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled.

"Tohru. That's Kyo," said Emi. 

"Sorry, Kyo-san," I said. "I mistook you for a pervert." 

"It's fine. Anyway, don't add the -san at the end. It makes me feel uncomfortable," said Kyo-kun. 

"Okay. Kyo-kun?" I said. "Anyway, Kei. Stop hiding," said Kyo-kun. I saw my sister stiffen. Kei and Kyo probably noticed too. 

"See, she doesn't even want to see me," said Kei. 

"Oh... Right. Sorry I said you were in the way earlier at school," said Kyo-kun. 

"It's fine! Don't worry, I'm not mad because I've always liked the cat of the 12 Zodiacs!" I said smiling. " So, can we be friends?"

"Sure," said Kyo blushing. He then looked at Kei and said, "C'mon, you can do it."

"Er... Emiko, I'm sorry for what I said earlier at lunch," said Kei hurriedly. 

"It's fine," she said. 

"Really?" asked Kei. 

"Yes, really," said Emi rolling her eyes. "Anyway. Let's go back home." 

"Alright..." mumbled Kei. 

"C'mon," said Emi and grabbed Kei's wrist to start dragging him toward Shigure's house. 

"I know the way," whined Kei but I could tell he was smiling a little. Emi ignored him.

Emiko POV

~Shigure's House~

"You are eating my sister's cooking today," I said. I dragged him into the house and sat him at the small table. I got some food ready and yelled, "DINNER IF YOU HAVEN'T EATEN!" Kei winced at the volume. I glared then smiled. Kei looked downcast. 

"Stop looking so sad," I said. "Are you sad because I'm mad at you?" 

"O-of course not!" stammered Kei. "Why would I be sad?"

"Yeah, whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway. Eat this," I gave it to him. I gave some to Kyo and my sister too. 

"Is it good?" I heard Tohru ask. 

"It's fine," said Kyo. 

"What about you Kei? Is it good?" I asked him. 

"It's okay," said Kei. Tohru sighed in relief. 

"No, it's DELICIOUS." I corrected. "You've always had the skills to cook." 

"Thanks Emi," said Tohru.

 "No problem Tohru," I said. 

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