Chapter 14||The Cultural Festival||

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Tohru POV

"Yay! I'm so happy! All of the riceballs are sold out!" I said. "But, in the entire class, the person who contributed the most to our sale was-" 

"DON'T TAKE PICTURES WITHOUT PERMISSION!" yelled Sohma-san. Suddenly a person jumped onto Sohma-san. 

They said, "Yuki, you look like a girl!" Then I realized, 'That's the person who kissed me!' 

"Why is that guy here?" asked Kyo. 

"You know him?" I asked. 

"Momiji," said a new voice. "You shouldn't wander around by yourself okay? How are you Yuki? You too Kyo." 

Then my classmates started speaking, " How stylish!" said one. "How cute!" said another. "He's Yuki's friend?" said the third. Then they all started squealing. 

"I am Momiji Sohma, a Japanese and German mixed blood!" said the foreigner, now known as Momiji. "He is Hatori Sohma! We are Kyo and Yuki's relatives!" 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yes," replied Kyo. "Momiji is fine but why is Hatori here." 

"Hey, Yuki. When did you become a girl?" asked Hatori. 

"You've seen me naked many times. Are you making fun of me now?" said Yuki. Then the class went aghast. "No!" exclaimed Yuki. 

"Ok. Deep breath," said Hatori. "What kind of clothing is this? Take it off." 

"So he's a doctor..." said a classmate.


Emiko POV

"Why  am I stuck with you again?"  I asked.  

"I don't know!?" said Kei. 

"Well, it's probably because we woke up late and Tohru wanted us to go to the cultural festival at her school. BUT! We're lost..." I said depressed. 

"Shouldn't you know where we are going?" asked Kei. 

"I've never actually been inside the school!" I exclaimed. "I've seen the outside of it before but I've never been inside!" Kei sighed. 

"Why don't we ask one of the high schoolers?" offered Kei. 

"Fine," I sighed. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Do you know where class 1D is?" 

"Yeah, I am going there right now. Do you want to come with me?" said the student I asked. 

"Sure," I said shrugging. "Come on Kei," I said. We followed the student to the classroom and saw... a blond crying and Kyo yelling at them. 

"Do you know the blond?" I asked. 

"Yeah," replied Kei.

"He's Momiji Sohma. Our cousin and the rabbit in the zodiac. By the way, he is in his last year of middle school." 

"Really?" I said skeptically. 

"Yup," Kei sighed. 

Then Momiji spoke, "Tohru! Tohru! How are you? I came here to see you! The last time we bumped into each other was fate!" 'Tohru has met that person before?' I thought. "Ah! Emi! Kei!" 

"When did you meet this blond?" I asked Tohru. 

"When you were sick, I met him at work!" explained Tohru. 

"I see-" I said cut off by the annoying blond. 

"Do you know the story of the 12 zodiac?" asked the annoying blond. 

"Yeah..." my sister said hesitantly. "Yay! Then we can hug without worry!" exclaimed Momiji. 

"Umm..." said Tohru trailing off but the annoying blond already hugged her. Then an explosion happened. 

I sighed and peeked in and saw... a yellow rabbit on top of a confused Tohru. "What happened to Momiji! And without his clothes too!" said a person. 

"How strange." said another. 

"If that is strange... Then I am also strange. I, as a man... wearing these clothes..." trailed off Silver head. 

"YOU ARE NOT STRANGE AT ALL!" exclaimed a bunch of people going to comfort him. I saw my sister quickly run away with Momiji. I quickly followed. 

"You are lucky that Silver Head was willing to take the attention off of you. You should've prevented the hug..." I said lecturing Tohru. 

"I'm sorry..." said Tohru really down. I sighed. 

"Anyway, we need to go now. Bye," I said waving to them. "Tohru. Try to lay out specific boundaries." That made her down even more. Then I walked away. "Wasn't that kind of harsh?" asked Kei. "She needs to learn," I said. "I suppose," he said shrugging. Then we walked home.

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