Chapter 15||The Sohma Compound||

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Emiko's POV

"Hey! She's not home again! Where did she go?!" yelled Kyo. 

"Didn't she say that she was going to a friend's house during dinner last night?" I replied. 

"Really...?" said Kyo dumbly. 

"Yeah," said Keirotts. 

"Listen when people are talking to you," inputted Silver-head. 

"Shut up... That's her fault she doesn't go out that often!" said Kyo blushing. 

"Then we now know that Tohru has already blended in with the family!" said Shigure. 

"She's even got Kyo thinking, 'Where has she gone?' He wouldn't think about me like that," complained Keirotts. 

"That's because I know-" argued Kyo. 

"Even if he doesn't think about you, I will!" I interrupted cheerfully. 

"At least I know that there is someone that cares for me," Kei grumbled.


Tohru POV

'Of course the Sohma family is big... Hatori said that he had something important to tell me so without telling the Sohma's or Emi of where I was going truthfully I came here by myself... I also hope that Emi won't be too mad once she finds out... That is if she can find out... But, she probably will find out... She always has a way of finding things out especially when I don't want her to know...'  I thought gloomily. 

I was interrupted from my thoughts with "TOHRU! You came right on time!" by Momiji-san excitedly, suddenly popping up. Suddenly the doors opened. "Harry's house is this way so follow me!" I followed him slowly taking in everything within the compound. 

'It's very quiet...' I thought. 'Almost like no one lives here... This atmosphere is making me even more n-nervous!...' I started to sweat nervously. 

Soon we arrived at Hatori's house. "Welcome," he said. I was panting from nervous exhaustion. "Was the walk here that exhausting?" he asked. 

"No, no," I said looking up. 

"Well, come in," said Hatori. "Momiji, bring us something to drink." 

"Ja!" replied Momiji-san doing a thumbs up while smiling. 

"Thank you for inviting me..." I said tiredly. I walked deeper into his house and walked into a room. In the room I saw his desk and gasped. 'It's kind of surprising to see a woman's photograph on his desk,' I thought. 'He comes off as a very strict person and his words always seem angry somehow...' 

Then I gasped, 'Could he have called me here to s-scold me for my many shortcomings?...' 

Then Momiji-san appeared and said, "Tohru? Are you sick? Should Harry give you a checkup?"  

"N-n-no, I'm absolutely fine!" I said shaking my head. 

"Well, go ahead and have a seat!" said Momiji-san. 

As I sat there drinking my tea, I asked, "Um, Hatori-san, did you take time off work at your clinic for me?" I asked. 

"No," he replied. "I don't treat anybody outside the Sohma clan. I'm the family doctor. About half of it consists of babysitting Akito. Constantly getting sick is Akito's specialty." 

"Plus, all of the Sohma's are super busy today so nobody will come in for an exam," added Momiji-san. 

"Huh?" I asked. "They're all preparing for New Year's! It's a big event so outside people help too, not just the inside ones." 

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