New Year's

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Third POV

~Timeskip to New Year's Eve ~

"Alright, be careful of crowds!" said Tohru. 

"We'll be fine," said Shigure. "It's New Year's Eve, so no one's out and about." 

"Yeah, there is no reason for us to worry about them. They're just going to their compound. Not somewhere super far away," said Emiko. 

"Yeah, make sure you lock the doors Honda-sans," said Yuki. 

"Of course. We're not dumb you know," said Emiko. 

"See you when you get back," said Tohru. 

"Okay, see you later!" said Shigure. "Take care," said Emiko. 

'I'm sure they'll be okay,' thought Yuki while he was closing the door. 

Kei was quiet the entire time as he was worried about the Honda siblings but mainly Emiko. She was probably hiding behind a facade to not worry her elder sibling. On the way to the Sohma compound, the 2 teenagers were voicing their concerns while the younger male was worrying quietly. Shigure caught onto that and reassured Kei that they were going to be fine. 

Then Shigure mentioned something about burglaries which made the other three males hold their heads in despair as Tohru would probably invite the robber in for a cup of tea and ask for their life story. Emiko would try to prevent Tohru from doing that but, would probably lose. As Shigure was laughing at the three males, Hana appeared and scared Shigure. Which made Kyo and Yuki think, 'Why can't she ever make a normal entrance?' 

Once Hana said a few words about the siblings, Kyo, Yuki, and Kei started heading back in the direction of Shigure's house. When they finally reached home they saw Tohru crying a little and Emiko consoling her. Her face was neutral but, Kei was sure that she was hiding her pain for Tohru as she had to stay strong. 

Then, cue the panic. "Y-Y-You startled me!" exclaimed Tohru. "What on Earth happened?!" Yuki wiped away her tears and Tohru continued panicking. "N-No, don't worry! I can explain! Somehow! I shouldn't cry but the New Year's kind of... makes people sentimental? Um, and as a Japanese person, I can't help but be moved by enka songs-" She was cut off when Yuki and Kyo collapsed. Kei was surprisingly still standing.

"So... What's up?" asked Emiko. While Tohru was rambling, Emiko had moved next to Kei.

"Nothing much," replied Kei.

"Really..." said Emiko skeptically. "Nothing much. Just for some reason, you all decided to run back home."

"Kyo and Yuki were worried about you and Tohru. I just followed them," said Kei. He would never admit that he was worried about Emiko too. The embarrassment if anyone found out... During the time the two younger ones were talking, Tohru had started panicking again over the two males who had collapsed.

"We're okay. We'd better... Watch the first sunrise..." said Yuki.

"I wanna eat New Year's noodles first," said Kyo.

"Me too," said Kei. Soon, everyone was fussing over Tohru.

"Eat slower," said Kyo.

"It's best to eat mochi slowly. Make sure to chew thoroughly too," said Yuki.

"You, too, Sohma-kun!" said Tohru.

"You wouldn't want to choke," added Emiko. Then the phone rang.

"Who would be calling so late?" asked Tohru as she got up to pick up the phone.

"Ugh, someone's got bad manners," said Kyo.

"Or is it a Sohma?" asked Yuki. With that thought, the three males froze then, peeked through the doorway. Emiko just watched in amusement. In the end, it was only Uo. Once Tohru hung up, the three males quickly returned to their seats. Emiko continued eating calmly. 

"It was Uo-chan," said Tohru, once she got back. "She was worried about me for some reason."

"I-I see," stammered Yuki.

"That's nice right?" asked Kyo.

"Yes!" replied Tohru.

"I'm glad you have such nice friends Tohru," said Emi.

"I know right!" replied Tohru.

"By the way," said Yuki, "we saw Hanajima-san on our way to the Sohma Estate."

"Hana-chan?" said Tohru.

"Yep, she was really worried about you, too, Honda-san," said Yuki. Dinner finished without a hitch and soon, they were going onto the roof to see the first sunrise of the year.

"It's cold," said Tohru, on the ladder to the roof.

"Here," said Yuki, giving her his hand. "Be careful."

"Thank you Sohma-kun," said Tohru. Soon, everybody was on the roof. "Waah!" said Tohru excitedly. "Everyone! The sun is about to come up!" Tohru watched in amazement as the sun rose and she started wishing. Kyo then started itching his head and finally gave in.

"I'm going to beat that stupid rat this year!!" he yelled. Emiko started laughing and Kei smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. Good luck with that wish," replied the 'stupid rat'. Things were as peaceful as it could get.

Thank you for 4.8K reads! I'm sorry for not updating so much because of school and stuff. I'll try to update more often but, no promises.
(シ_ _)シ

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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