Chapter 5||The New Students||

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Tohru POV

"Sis, Shigure owned a rice cooker?" asked Emi. 

"Yeah! I found it," I said. 

"Nice, the food looks good," said Emi. 

"Thanks. What did Hiyori say?" I asked. 

"As long as they don't tell anyone, I can stay," said Emi. 

"Yay!" I said. "Oh! Dinner's ready!" 

"Okay," said Sohma-kun walking in. 

"Where were you?" asked Emi. 

"In my secret base," he replied. 

"Cool," said Emi. Then the door suddenly slammed open. 

"I REFUSE," said Kyo and Kei together. 

"Dinner?" I asked.

 "I'M NOT GOING TO EAT," said Kyo. 

"NO THANK YOU," said Kei. 

"Okay..." I said. We resumed eating. 

"Why are Kyo and Kei mad?" I asked. 

"Oh, I tricked them both to take a student transfer entrance exam," said Shigure. "Kyo will be attending Yuki and Tohru's school while Kei will go to Emiko's school." 

"I see..." I said. 

"WHY," said Sohma-kun. 

"Well, Kyo didn't go to school even when it was an all-boys school and neither did Kei," said Shigure.

Emiko POV


"Today we will be having a new transfer student in our class. Please come in," said the teacher. 

"Hello. I'm Kei Sohma," said Kei. 

"You can sit next to Honda-san. Please raise your hand Honda-san," said Sensei. I raised my hand. He sat next to me. 

"Alright. Now let's begin class!" said sensei.

Tohru POV

"Did you know that Sohma-kun's cousin is transferring here?" said a girl. 

"Really?" said another girl. 

"Yeah. It's the one with the orange hair," said a girl. 

"He's pretty cute." 


"Hey, Yuki-kun! Can you introduce us?" asked a girl. 

"Sorry, we're not really close. We don't even speak to each other," said Sohma-kun. 

"His hair color is a little like Kyoko-san's," said Uo. 

"It does look a little like my mothers doesn't it," I said. 

"Yeah," said Hana. 

"Sohma-kun? Where are you going?" asked a girl grabbing Kyo's arm. "We should talk a little longer." 

"Ouch!" said the girl when Kyo twisted her arm making her faceplant to the ground. 

"Kyo-" I said. 

"Sohma-kun? What's the matter?" asked a person.

"Stay. Away. From. Me." he said and jumped out the window.

Emiko POV


"Hey Kei. Want to eat with me?" I asked. 

"Sure." he shrugged. "Don't you have any friends?" 

"Nope. Not really," I said.

"Why?" I chose not to answer that. 

"Hey look the Ice Queen has a boyfriend," said a boy. 

"Shut up Saijo," I said with a venomous glare. "Just because your name means best, doesn't mean you're the best." 

"Ooh, the Ice Queen has made a move!" taunted Saijo. 

"C'mon Kei. I see some bugs here," I said.

"Okay..." he said and followed me. 

"Why do you act like your brother so much?" I asked him so that he wouldn't say anything else. 

"Well, he is like my role model! He is really cool," said Kei. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah!" he said. 

"Hmm..." I said. 

"Is Tohru really your sister?" he asked. I stiffened. 

"O-of course..." I said. "Excuse me." and I rushed off to the bathroom.


'Oof. I probably shouldn't have said that...' I thought. 'Should I run after her? No, she probably wouldn't like that...' Before I knew it, I was up and running after her. I easily caught up and grabbed her arm. "Look. I'm sorry that I said that earlier..." I said and saw that she was crying. "It's fine... " she said and ran off again. I returned to the spot we were sitting at and started thinking.


~Shigure's House~

"Already skipping school?" asked Shigure. 

"I... Want to leave this place. I always say the wrong things to her..." I said. 

"Tohru?" asked Shigure. 

"Yeah..." I said. 

"Well then... What if someone out there said they loved you?" asked Shigure. 

"Well, I would first ask if they were crazy," I replied. 

"Hmm..." said Shigure. 

"I'm back," said Yuki. 

"Welcome back," said Shigure. "Where's Tohru and Emiko?" 

"Tohru said that she and Emiko had to go to their part-time jobs. She also said that dinner just needs to be reheated," replied Yuki. "Since she said they were going to be home around 11, so I was planning to walk her home." 

"Where's Kei then?" I asked. 

"He's here. Just kind of depressed," replied Yuki. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Well, I kind of said the wrong thing to Emiko during lunch..." said Kei. 

"My... Kyo and Kei are having trouble with the Honda sisters. Well, I guess like you guys are siblings..." said Shigure. "Well, don't say anything mean if you're going to regret it." 

"Hey, since you guys need to apologize, why don't Kyo and Kei walk them home?" said Yuki. 

"That's a good idea!" said Shigure. 

"Fine." I agreed. 

"Are you sure I should go?" asked Kei. 

"Yeah," I said. "You have to apologize too you know little bro." 

"I guess..." he said.

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