Chapter 13||A Foreign Pervert?!||

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Tohru POV

'Hmm...' I thought walking. It was after work and I was about to go home. Emi was too tired so she went home after school. 'So Sohma-san and Kyo-kun are jealous of each other but don't know it...' "Wah!" I cried out in alarm and fell down the stairs. 'Thinking and walking at the same time is too dangerous...' I thought. 

"Heeheehee!" laughed a person with sunglasses on. 

"Ah! Good day!" I said. 'I wonder why a boy is in a building this late at night...' I thought. Suddenly, the person started speaking a foreign language. "U-uh..." I stammered. Then he kissed my cheek. "I have to go!" I exclaimed flustered. I ran out of the building seeing Sohma-san. 

"Honda-san...? Why do you look so nervous?" asked Sohma-san. 

"The-there was a pervert..." I stammered shocked. I didn't know he was going to kiss me! 

"Was there really a pervert?" asked Sohma-san. 

"Huh? No... It's nothing!" I said. "Thank you for picking me up." 

"Well, if you have any trouble, please let me know because I will help you," said Sohma-san. "Thank...Thank you..." I said blushing. 

~The Next Morning~

"Are you preparing to open a riceball shop?" asked Kyo-kun. 

"Ah! Good morning Kyo-kun! You're always up early!" I said. 

"Not really, just as usual," replied Kyo-kun. He then reached for a riceball. 

"Kyo! That..." I said trying to warn him. Kyo-kun then made a face of disgust. "That was a leek riceball..." I said trailing off. 

"WHY DID YOU MAKE THIS!" he exclaimed. 

"Oh, I'm making this for the cultural festival. Just trying out special riceballs. I'm going to try them in a bit." I said. "Do you have any good ideas?" 

"Riceball having fish or pickled fish is enough," replied Kyo-kun. "Humph. I'll just make my own." I watched him make it. 

"Whoa! You're so great! Your riceball technique looks like it has practice!" I exclaimed in awe. 

"Huh?" he said. 

"Impressive!" I said going on. "I never would've thought..." 

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