Chapter 9||Family||

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Emiko POV

~The Next Morning~

"I'll visit again soon!" said Kagura hugging Kyo. Then she ran out throwing the door open and crashing into the paperboy. *Poof* Luckily, Silver Head reacted quickly and acted charming. The paperboy started blushing and said, "I forgot to deliver your morning paper." 

"Thank you. Bye!" said Silver Head. 

"Nice timing Yuki!" exclaimed Shigure. 

"Hmm..." said Silver Head. 

"She IS the boar!" exclaimed Tohru. 

"I knew it," I said.

Tohru POV


I walked around the school library checking out some martial arts and gardening books when a sensei said, "Tohru Honda? There's a phone call for you in the office." 

"Hello. I am Tohru Honda." I said into the phone. "Ah... Okay Grandfather..."

Emiko POV
As I was talking with Kei and Sho(a friend Kei made and didn't mind being with me), the teacher called for me. "Emiko Honda, there is a phone call for you. Follow me," they said. 

I picked up the phone and said, "Emiko Honda here. Ah... Grandfather... I see..." When I walked back, Kei and Sho looked at me with questioning glances.

"I'll tell you later." I mouthed. They looked unsure but nodded.

~Shigure's House~

"We're leaving," I said. "The renovations are complete. But the exterior is still incomplete." 

"Yeah." nodded Tohru sadly. 

"I see," said Shigure. 

"Well, you're still going to see each other at school so what's there to be sad about?" I asked. 

"True!" brightened Tohru. "We're leaving now, so here's our grandfather's home address."

~Grandfather's House~

"Long time no see!" said Tohru. "From now on, we'll be troubling you." I nodded.

Shigure POV

~Shigure's House~

'The air here feels heavy...' I thought. 'Probably because the boys are moping'

Tohru POV

~Grandfather's House~

'I wonder if everyone is eating well...' I thought. 'But, I'll see them in school!' 

"Hey!" said my cousin. "Are you guys done yet?" 

"Almost," I replied. 

"Pretty much," answered Emi. 

"We just moved into a new house! But, why do I have to share a room with 2 other people?" asked my cousin. 

"Kyoko! Katsuya! Someone downstairs wants to see you!" said Grandfather. 

"Grandpa, it's Tohru-chan and Emiko-chan," said my cousin. 

"What's the matter?" I asked, once I was downstairs. 

"It seems you 2 have been living with men." said my aunt. 

"So? Hiyori approved of it," said Emi. 

Disregarding Emi, she said, "Well, like they say, like mother like child. So, of course, I'm concerned." 

"Tohru-chan, Emiko-chan, did they do anything... Out of line?" asked my male cousin. *SLAP* 

"G-grandfather?" I asked. 

"Do you know only how to make fun of others?" asked my Grandfather. "Sorry, Kyoko, Katsuya." 

"It's fine," said Emi. 

"They make other people dislike them..." said Grandfather. 

"What?!" said my aunt and male cousin. 

"Hmm? What?" asked my Grandfather. "But they are still my family...Even if someone says something bad about me I'll endure it. But I can't let you 2 stay here and endure it too! No, I'm not trying to kick you guys out. I just feel that you 2 aren't made to endure this. For you 2, this home is too restricted. If you guys want to go somewhere else, feel free to go!" 

"I want to go back," I said softly while crying. "I want to learn more about Sohma-kun and Kyo-kun." 

"Alright sis... Me too..." said Emi and hugged me while patting my back. 

"That's what I really want..." I said. 

"Then just come back!" said Sohma-kun softly, appearing in front of me. 

"Hah?" I exclaimed jumping back. 

"Who?" said my male cousin and aunt. 

"Let's go," said Kyo, grabbing my head. "

Kyo?" I asked. "You too?" 

"And me," said Kei. 

"Kei!" said Emi jumping up and hugging him. 

"Emi?!" said Kei. *Poof* Aunt looked troubled. 

"Don't worry, we already know," said Sohma-kun. 

"Now pardon the intrusion," Kei picked Emi up and I picked up Emi's clothes. Kyo started to drag me away. I heard Sohma-kun asking, "Are Honda-sans' luggage upstairs?" and then we walked out of earshot. 

"Why did you guys come?" I asked. Emi was hugging Kei's head. 

"You left us the address didn't you?" asked Kyo. "Boy was it hard to find. I had to go with stupid Yuki too." 

"I want to go back home now..." I said. 

"...Let's hurry then!" said Kyo. 

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