Two Person Party (Demus)

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Genre: Fluff
Janus wasn't a fan of his birthday in fact he hardly did anything for it, why would he? None of the light sides cared enough to make him feel special on his birthday or even wanted for that matter. He usually just sat in his room and did nothing and he liked it that way, then Remus came along, they became best friends over the years and eventually became more then that.
So this year Remus wanted to do something really special for his special snake man, the only problem was he wasn't exactly the kind wordsy side he was more of the let's fuck morning noon and night side and for some reason Janus liked that. Remus thought for days what he could for his lovely boyfriends birthday then it hit him.

February 3rd 2021

Janus woke up with groan,he had a tough time falling asleep the night before and was kinda in the "I just wanna curl up and die" mood, then he noticed a black string tied to the bed frame with a note taped to it,it read "Find me". Janus was confused to say the least "Find me?" He mumbled, he got out of bed and followed the string which led to the kitchen there he saw another note on the counter and it was sitting next to a nice stack of pancakes the next note read "You'll need your energy so eat up you bottom bitch" Janus face palmed realizing that this was the work of Remus but obligated and ate, he was hungry after all, after about 20 minutes he got out of his seat and started to follow the string once again this time it led to a door Janus had never seen in the dark side of the mindscape he then saw another note "Open me" it read. Janus slowly opened the door trying to prepare himself for what would be behind it, we he stepped in the room then he saw it. It was a giant boa constrictor in a large tank, Janus was stunned, the door then shut behind him, he jumped and turned around to see his boyfriend holding a cake "Happy Birthday Janus!" He yelled happily, Janus smiled and hugged him "I'd hug you back but then I'd drop your cake" "then set it on the table you idiot" the two laughed "I tried to get the light sides to show up but no luck.." Remus said sadly "it's okay Rem I didn't expect them to come anyways" Janus said with a small smile following after "Well hey who needs them we can have our own two person party right here" The boa then hissed "oh I'm sorry giant ass snake that bit me in the leg, a three person party then" Janus laughed then gave Remus a kiss "I love you..thank you for all of this" "I love you too Jan and your welcome I'd do anything for you"
This was fun to write I love this Danm ship so much
Word count: 521

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