Running Thoughts (no ship)

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Sooooo hehe have some Janus angst
Genre: Angst
TW: Bad thoughts ,Suicidal thoughts
(If you are sensitive to that please go to another chapter thank you and enjoy)
Janus's POV
What a strange concept.
Other people think thoughts are wonderful things.
I disagree.
My thoughts are the opposite of wonderful they tell me horrible things....things other people's thoughts wouldn't tell them

"Your nothing"
"They don't care about you"
"Your just the bad always will be"
"Just give up already they hate you accept that"

I curl up in a ball and sit in the corner of my room, my hands are on my head, I just want them to stop...

"Your the reason Virgil left! He left because he hated you! Remus will leave to one day!"
"Thomas doesn't need aren't important!"
"Just die already"

I stared at the floor..tears were streaming down my face...
Is it so bad to just want happy thoughts for once...
I wanted to try out some angst I don't usually write so I'm actually pretty proud of this sorry it's kinda short
Yeee bye y'all
Word count: 193

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