National Siblings Day (Creativity Twins)

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(This is NOT Remrom this is a platonic creativity twins story)
Request: No {:,)}
Genre: Fluff (I love fluff okay-)
"ROMAN!" Remus shouted as he broke down his brothers door, Roman groaned as he sat up from his bed "ughhh Remus what is it" "It's national siblings day!" Remus shouted happily "No it isn't-" "Yes it is now get dressed! We are spending the day together" Remus said before he ran down the stairs like a crazy person.  Roman got out of bed and stumbled over to his wardrobe to get his clothes for the day, he was actually pretty excited to spend the day with his brother, it's been forever since they hung out and had a good old siblings day. After Roman got dressed he went down stairs to see his brother holding his sword "Why do you have that?" He asked "Cause dear brother we are going to go and fuck that dragon witch up! Remus said summoning his morning star, Roman of course couldn't say no to that (howww can I say no to this- okay I'll stop) "Let's go then!" Roman shouted running out the front door with Remus following him.

The two spent hours fighting with the dragon witch and they were enjoying it so much of course the dragon witch won their fight (like always) but the two brothers still had fun. After that they decided to go and fool around in Remus's castle that he had in the imagination, they pulled pranks on the staff and broke a couple windows playing indoor baseball but best of all, they sat in their big theatre room and watched Heathers, a musical they both loved, Roman loved it for the music and Remus loved it because of the death.

An hour later

Roman and Remus sat under an old, but very beautiful willow tree, this was their tree they used to go to this willow tree when they were kids, it was their hangout spot ,their safe place.
"Hey Roman... do you sometimes wish the split never happened" Remus asked, the split was always a touchy subject for the both of them "sometimes ya...but I'm glad it did happen cause now we get to be who we want to be, I get to create glorious and beautiful things and you can get to create goreish and gross things" Roman said chuckling slightly "I guess your right" Remus said also chuckling "Happy National Siblings day bro" he added on "Right back at ya bro" Roman replied
I loved writing this! Platonic sibling love is the greatest
Tell your siblings you love them folks
Word count: 441

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