Self care (Intruloceit)

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Request: No (feel free to leave a request on the request page)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearings (it's Remus what do you expect)
Art is !NOT! mine
It was 2am in the morning and Logan was still at his desk working, he hadn't slept in about 3 days the other light sides had just given him so much work he never had time to eat or sleep. He was tired yes but he knew he had to get his work done "5 more pages then I'll rest" he had said that to himself about 50 times, the door suddenly opened, there stood Janus and Remus they both had there arms crossed and stared at Logan "Can I help you two?" Logan asked confused on why they kept showing up. Janus and Remus has been showing up and checking on Logan about once every week sometimes more Logan never understood why he still doesn't understand why they care so much. "Yes you can Logan. Go. To. Bed." Janus said obviously angry "I will I will, just a couple more pages" Logan replied "Remus now" Janus said gesturing Remus to Logan. "What are you guys- Hey Remus!" Remus had picked Logan up and threw him over his shoulder "Remus put me down" "Sorry Logie can't do that" Logan kicked his legs tiredly trying to get Remus to put him down, he eventually gave up. The three men walked to Janus's room, Remus then set Logan on the bed "We could've just stayed in my room" "No we couldn't have you would've tried to go back to work" Janus said snapping his fingers putting all three men in their pajamas "Come on Logan just sleep, get some rest" Remus said softly trying not to sound as harsh as Janus. Remus usually wasn't the most gentle of sides he was more of the 'hey let's have sex everyday' kind of side, but when he needed to be calm and gentle he would. Janus took Logan's glasses off then pulled him into a cuddle position, Remus got on the other side of Logan cuddling him as well, Logan's eyes then grew heavy making him fall fast asleep "what are we gonna do with him" Janus said quietly "fuck him" "Remus!" "Shhhh you'll wake him up" Janus sighed wondering why he loves Remus so much "Maybe we should keep an eye on him, make sure he's eating, sleeping and over all taking care of himself" Janus suggested "Agreed I'm gonna have a word with Patton and tell him to stop giving him so much fucking work it's unfair" the two dark sides soon feel asleep.

The next day

Logan groaned as he sat up from the bed, he looked around wondering he were he was not really remembering what happened the night before, he then looked at the clock, 10:30?!! He immediately jumped out of bed "how could I be so stupid to sleep in" he said to himself as he walked to his room. Standing in the doorway was Janus and Remus, blocking the way into Logan's room "Remus, Janus please move I have work to do" "Logan your having a break today you've been working to hard love" "First of all don't call me 'love' second I can't take a break I still have lots i need to work on" Logan mildly shouted "Everything okay up here" Patton said coming up the stairs "Yes Patton everything is fine, by the way Me, Janus and little old Logie here are gonna hang out in the dark side commons" Remus stated Logan gave him the death stare he was not happy about this he has so much work to be done he didn't have time for this "Okay kiddos you guys have fun!" Patton happily said walking back down the stairs Remus picked up Logan once again and teleported to the dark side, Janus followed.
"Logan you are way to light" Remus said putting Logan on the couch "How much do you usually eat" Janus asked "Not much I guess cereal for breakfast, an apple for lunch and I usually don't eat supper" Janus and Remus stood there stunned how could someone be this bad at taking care of themselves "Janus.Pancakes.Now" Remus demanded "On it" Janus replied "You guys don't have-" "Logan shut up you are eating the pancakes Janus is gonna make" Remus said

When the pancakes were done

"Eat up Logie" Remus said placing the plate in front of Logan, Logan was tired if aground so he obligated and started to eat the food, his eyes immediately lit up the pancakes were delicious "someone is enjoying themselves" Janus said teasingly

Janus and Remus spent the rest of the day making sure Logan was relaxing and giving himself some self care, Logan was actually enjoying his day off more then he thought he got to just sit and do whatever he wanted. A question that still remained to him was 'why does Janus and Remus care so much' none of the other sides cared as much of them and it confused Logan so much so he decided he was gonna ask.
It was around 11:00 and everyone was getting ready for bed then Logan asked his question "Why do you guys care about me so much?" Janus and Remus stood there silent, "everyone else let's me stay in my room and work but you guys make me take care of myself which now I can actually see is not a bad thing" "It's cause we love you god danm it!" Remus shouted with blush on his face, Janus was also blushing "we care about you cause we love you Logan we always have" Logan was speechless, Roman has always said he could never find people to love him romanticly because he 'didn't have emotions' which was completely false, but here they were two incredibly handsome sides (in Logan's opinion) confessing that they loved him, and Logan knew he felt the same way he had always felt happier around Janus and Remus he truly cared for the both of them which is why he never said anything bad about them "I-" Janus then grabbed the collar of Logan's shirt and kissed him passionately "Hey no fair I want a kiss" Remus whined grabbing Logan and kissing him, when he pulled away Logan's face was as red as a tomato "I-I love you guys too" He replied "Soooo boyfriends?" Janus asked, Logan nodded "Boyfriends". The three then cuddled the night away with each other in each others arms Logan was gonna take self care days way more often now.

"Soooooo can we fuck now" Remus said "REMUS!" His boyfriends shouted
Word count: 1122
AYYYY more then a thousand words

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