Noise Makers

168 1 0

Request: Yes (by a friend of mine on Instagram)
Genre: idk chaos
It was a normal day in the mind palace the light sides were sitting in the living room watching a Disney movie, Patton and Roman were basically the only ones paying attention, Virgil was listening to music and Logan was reading a book all was calm and peaceful *noise maker noise* (I don't know how to write a noise maker noise) all the jolted up from there seats. "What the hell was that?!" Roman shouted obviously annoyed the sound interrupted his movie *noise maker noise* they all jumped again, looking around trying to find where the sound was coming from. Suddenly the room filled with the sound of none stop noise makers, everyone covered their ears to try and block out the noise "WHAT THE HELL?!" Virgil shouted "MAKE IT STOPP!!"  Logan also shouted "GUYS DON'T SHOUT YOU'LL MAKE IT WORSE" "YOUR SHOUTING TO PAT" "SORRY ROMAN" finally the noise stopped and everything was quiet "What's up dorks!" Remus shouted. All the sides looked up and saw Remus and Janus standing on the ceiling with noise makers in their hands "How are you-"Patton was cut off by Janus saying "Dark side secret" everyone's eyes immediately turned to Virgil "Don't look at me I don't know how they do it!"
Through out the rest of the day Remus and Janus would use the noise makers to annoy the light sides

"Ughhhh" Thomas groned holding his hands on his head "you okay Thomas?" Joan asked "not really I have the worst head ache ever it's like noise makers are going off in my head I over and over and over again" "That's rough buddy" Joan replied patting Thomas on the shoulder
I hope you all enjoy my first one shot
Bye now
Word Count: 308

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