Little Mr. Perfect (Logicality)

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This has to be my best idea yet I'm just saying
Someone has probably already done it but whatever this is happening
This font: Song
This font: Story
Genre: Fluff
Request: nah nah na nah nah no (See what I did there)
Logan Berry. He was the type of guy people wish they could be, he was perfect in every way

Straight Hair, Straight A's, Straight Forward, Straight Paths I don't cut corners.

He was the best student his school has ever seen, he was never late, and head of the student council.

I make a point to be on time.. head of the student council~

As far as his friends knew he had never blacked out when he was at a party, Logan also had a secret love for the singer Paul McCartney

I don't black out at parties, I jam to Paul McCartney! If you ask me how I'm doing I'll say well-

He was adopted at age two by his ever so loving parents and he doesn't like to brag but his parents spoiled him just a bit even now that he's a teenager they spoil him, his parents were very proud of him and all his accomplishments.

I was adopted when I was 2 my parents spoiled me rotten, often I ask myself what did I do to get as far as I've gotten~

Like I said he was absolutely perfect
Until he met Patton Hart
You see Patton is the complete opposite of Logan, Patton is a wild card, doesn't do that well in school, goes to quite a bit of parties, has very messy dirty blonde hair and the biggest difference, he is hella gay, but somehow Logan took quite the liking to him, he likes Patton so much he has him questioning his sexuality.

A pretty boy walks by my locker, my heart gives a flutter but I don't dare utter a word...cause that would be absurd behaviour for Little Mr.Perfect~

Logan was in such denial, 'There's no way I'm gay' he thought to himself but then again he really liked Patton more then a friend he wanted to be so much more to Patton but he knew he would lose absolutely everything if he admitted it.

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah no I can't risk falling off my throne, la la la la la la la la love is something I don't even know
Straight hair, Straight A's, Straight Forward, Straight Boy!
Little Mr. Perfect that's me~

One day Logan's parents were out for the night and said he could have some friends over so he did and he just so happened to invite Patton..

One night my friends stayed over, we laughed and drank and ordered, something about him drew me in-
What? It's totally platonic!

Logan was having a lot of fun with his friends but he just couldn't take his eyes off Patton he was just so mesmerized by him

That night was is exciting! His smirks were so enticing, hours speed by like seconds then~
What happens is iconic!

Patton and Logan started to spend some time together, just talking about their lives and other casual things but Logan was all over the place Patton made him feel different

He takes a sip I bite my lip he tells a joke I nearly joke he braids my hair I sit there blacking out for the first time!

He couldn't take it he went for it

Next thing you know I lose control I finally kiss him but oh no-

Logan leaned in and gave Patton a kiss a deep and passionate kiss, Patton was shocked at first but soon kissed back they were both loving it, when they pulled away, Patton gave Logan a soft and loving smile, then Patton's eyes widened Logan was confused so he look out the window and saw his parents standing right there looking at them.

I see a face through my window then my brain starts to go Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah no I can't risk falling off my throne, la la la la la la la la love is something I don't even know! Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah I can't risk falling off my throne la la la la la la la la love~!
You don't even know

Logan's friends were kinda kicked out of his house that night and Logan's parents were definitely not happy with what they had seen, they told him that what he did was sinful and disgusting, his father asked him "where they went wrong" and when Logan tried to explain himself they just shut him down. Logan wasn't allowed to see Patton ever again his parents said that they would make sure of it.

Rewind induced amnesia, deny the truth that's easier, your just confused believe her when they said there's nothing's never worth it
When your Little Mr.Perfect~

Logan went to school heartbroken the next day he was truly upset, he wanted to still see Patton, he wanted to be with him! He didn't want to do what his parents said
And so he didn't
At the end of the school day he ran up to Patton and gave him a kiss
"Hey Patton you know something crazy..?" Logan asked him, Patton smiled "What is it Lo?" "I think I'm in love with you" Patton kissed him again "I love you too Logan"
I loved writing this 🥺
Word count: 926

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