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So I decided to do my own little q/a because I wanted y'all to know me a bit more if you follow me (you should totally do that by the way)
Okay let's do this

Where are you from?:
I'll give you a hint
Maple syrup

What is your sexuality?:
I am a currently half closted bisexual I am out to my friends and well now you guys my parents still don't know yet

What fandoms are you in?:
Sander sides (obviously)
MCYT (may or may not have something planned for this maybe follow to find out)
The Promise Neverland
And I think that's about it right now those are my main ones


Any pets?:
Yes I have a bearded dragon named Spike I'm so creative I know

I think that is all I will answer for now but if any of you have questions for me you have leave them in the comments and I will gladly answer them
Bye bye

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