Out of the closet (Logince)

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Genre: Fluff and Angst
Request: No (my requests are open btw)
Warning: the f slur is said once or twice
Roman Prince and Logan Berry have been best friends since forever. They met in the 1st grade and have been inseparable ever since, they tell each other absolutely everything, so when they each came out to each other as gay they promised each other they wouldn't tell anyone and that secret was kept between the two of them until the end of year party...
"Come on Logan we have to go it's the end of senior year party!" Roman whined, It was a week before school ended and Janus Hyde,one of the more popular kids at school was having a party and Roman  was trying to get Logan to go  but Logan was being stubborn "Roman you know im not a party person besides a nice night in sounds better then a party anyways" "Come on Logan your gonna make me go by myself" The two were silent for a moment Logan didn't want Roman by himself "Fine I'll come but only for an hour got it" "YES! This is gonna be so much fun!" Roman said smiling, Logan liked when Roman smiled.

At ze party

The two friends had been there for about 2 hours and Logan was walking around trying to find Roman, mainly cause he wanted to leave and didn't wanna leave his best friend stranded, after looking around for awhile he found Roman sitting on the floor drunk as a skunk. "Oh god Roman!" Logan said while facepalming "Heyyyyy Logannn what's upppp" Roman said laughing "Nothings up, come on we gotta get you home" He said picking up Roman by the arms "Hey Logannnn are you singleeee?" Roman asked, Logan's face flushed red "N-no Roman I'm not" Logan said trying to remain in the closet in public "Then be my boyfriendddd! I'm gay as fuckkkk and your hotttt!" Roman yelled causing everyone to go silent and turn to look at them. "Wait Roman Prince is gay?!" A girl shouted from the crowd "Oh my god what a fag!" A boy also shouted, Logan quickly grabbed Romans arm and pulled him out to his car so that they could go home

The next morning

"Ughhh my head" Roman groaned sitting up from the bed, "It hurts huh" Logan said coming into the room with some clothes "Wait Logan how did I-" "I brought you here last night you were really drunk..." Logan said looking down at his hands "Did I do anything stupid" Roman asked pouting "Not exactly..." "Logan what did I do..." Roman asked starting to get worried. Logan sighed "You outed yourself last night...everyone knows your gay.." Romans face dropped, he was mortified, how could he be so stupid "I-I WHAT?!" Roman shouted as tears started to form, Logan then moved closer to Roman and hugged him, Logan wasn't a hugger but for his best friend he could make an exception. Roman hugged Logan tight "What am gonna do Logan?!" Roman said in between sobs "I don't know, I'm sorry I wished I could've stopped you from saying what you said" "It's not your fault..." suddenly the phone rang, Logan got up and answered it "Hello? O-oh hello Mrs.Prince" Romans body tensed up, he knew why his mother was calling... "Um yes he's right here" Logan slowly handed the phone to his friend "H-hello mom..." Roman said sadly, he then went into the other room to talk to his mother privately. Logan was really worried about his friend, he knew the circumstances of Romans home life he knew that none of this was going to be good.

About 30 minutes later Roman came out of the room in tears, Logan immediately ran to his side to hug him and comfort him "Sh-she kicked me out L-Lo..." Roman sobbed "Roman I'm so so sorry...you can stay here okay! For as long as you want..my parents will gladly have you here" "D-do they know about y-you" Roman said quietly "Yea they do I told them about a week ago and they are okay with it.." Logan said happily "Okay then..I'll get my things and I'll move in"

3 days later

Logan was in the cafeteria at school with his friend Virgil when he noticed Roman sitting by himself with what looked like a Black eye "Things have been rough on him huh..." Virgil said sadly "Y-ya it has been I've been trying to stick up for him as much as I can he is my best friend after all" Logan said blushing slightly "Oh stop with that 'best friend' bull you like him and I know you do" Virgil replied "Hey hey! Keep it down!" Logan quietly yelled "Knew it" Virgil said smugly "Okay yes I do...and with him staying with me it's been hard to not just...wanna kiss him" Logan said, suddenly there was a boy shouting.
It was Roman
A guy that Logan didn't know had pinned Roman up to the wall and punched him in the face, tears started to form in Romans eyes "Awww is the f*ggot gonna cry, come on be a man and fight back!" The guy shouted. Logan couldn't believe what he was seeing, he put his backpack down and walked over to Roman and the bully, he tapped him on the shoulder, the bully let Roman go and turned about to face Logan "Hey asshole" Logan said to the bully right before kicking him in the place you don't wanna get hit, he then got down at the bullied level "If you ever touch him again you'll get a lot worse then a kick in the balls, now fuck off" Logan then stood up, grabbed Romans hand and walked out of the cafeteria. Logan then took Roman to the school nurse to get him fixed up, after that Logan got his backpack and took him and Roman home, He didn't care about skipping school right now he wanted to have some time with his friend. When they arrived home they went to Logan's room and sat on the bed "Thank you Logan..I owe you one big time" Roman chuckled "Roman I need to tell you something" "Okay what is it?" Roman asked confused "Roman...I love you like more then a friend I love you a lot and that guy picking on I just...I got so mad" Roman then moved closer and kissed Logan, it was a long and passionate kiss, it was full of love and the two men loved it "I love you to Logan..I always have" Roman said smiling "Roman do you maybe want to go out on a date...and if it's not a complete disaster..would you consider begging my boyfriend" Roman then kissed him again
"I'd love to"
Sorry I've been gone so long I've been super busy with school and life in general anyways I'll be updating more often I promise bye now stay healthy and safe!
Word count: 1200
~S 💜

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