Happy Birthday Logan!

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It's Logan's birthday I had to write something for it
So ya
Genre: fluff
Request: nahh
November 3rd 2020
Logan groaned as he woke up, he knew what today was, in all honesty he really didn't care he knew that everyone probably forgot they didn't ever listen to him so why would they remember his birthday. He got up put on his usual clothes, his glasses and walked down stairs for breakfast, the mind place was empty no one was at the table like usual which really confused Logan, he only saw a plate of food on the table with a note beside it, it read
Dear Logan,
Me and the other sides have gone out for the day I made you breakfast though hope you enjoy we will be back around the end of the day
~Love Patton
Of course they went out, of course they forgot Logan thought to himself, he sighed then sat down and ate his food sadly. (This is hurting meh to write)
The rest of the day was plain Logan did what he would normally do on a normal day, Read, work, eat food, normal things he wish he was doing something special for his birthday he just couldn't figure out what. Suddenly Patton walked through the front door "Logan there you are!" He said cheerfully "Um yes is there something you need" Logan replied "There sure is come on I have something to show you" Patton said holding his hand out "Alright?" He replied taking Patton's hand
Patton took him to a strange part of the imagination, a part Logan had never been too before, "Okay Logan close your eyes" Patton said Logan reluctantly put his hand over his eyes, Patton took his hand and they walked a little bit further "Okay Lo open your eyes!" Patton shouted Logan took his hand off his eyes to reveal what looked to be a birthday party for...him?! "Happy birthdays Logan!" The sides shouted. Logan couldn't believe his eyes they remembered they actually remembered, Logan started to tear up slightly he was happy
Really happy
He really did love his famILY
It's short ik but it's adorable so hush
Happy birthday Logan 🥳💙
Also if you've seen Thomas insta fulfill Logan's wish and if you are of age and American go and Vote!

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