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Happy Halloween!!!
Here is a Halloween themed story for you all! But before we start-
What are you all being for Halloween?
I'm going as Remy this year tbh
Maybe just maybe I'll show you guys a pic of the costume anyways onto the story
Genre: Fluff
Request: Nah
It was 12 am October 31st all the sides were asleep in the bed they all shared together well almost all of the sides
Virgil was downstairs awake. He was decorating the mind for palace from head to toe, planning everything him and his boyfriends were gonna do, and his favourite part..picking out his costume for this year he had just about a million costumes it was so hard to choose, obviously he was making to much noise because Logan was up and coming down the stairs "Virgil, Darling, what on earth is going on down here" "It's Halloween Logan how can you expect me to sleep we have to get ready" Logan knew how much his boyfriend loved Halloween so he has a suspicion this was going to happen. Luckily him and his other boyfriends were prepared for it, Logan walked over to where Virgil was standing, picked him by the waist and threw him over his shoulders "Logannnnn noooo put me down!" "Virgil you need sleep you can do all of this tomorrow morning okay?" "Nooo put me down!" Virgil said with a yawn following right after. Logan walked up the stairs, went into their room and set Virgil on the bed "Okay fine I'll sleep are you happy now" "Yes" His boyfriends said in unison "Wait you guys were awake?" Virgil asked "we've been awake for hours sweetheart your a very loud talker" Janus replied tiredly "Haha oops" Virgil said feeling kinda guilty "Its fine just go to sleep pleaseeee" Roman begged "Okay okay I'm sleeping"

The next day

"WAKE UP EVERYONE ITS HALLOWEEN!!" Virgil yelled over the top of his lungs "Virgillll what time is it!" Remus yelled "12pm I let you all sleep in top noon now get up!" The five sides groaned
This was going to be a very long day.
I got lazy I'm sorry lol
Anyways I know I'm late but I don't have wifi so I'm uploading this at school
Lol byeeee
Word count: 385

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