Neighbors across the street (Royality)

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here is a story requested by my sister
Let's gooooo
Request: yes
Genre: ???
Roman and Patton were a happy couple they have been together since collage and now they lived in a small house in a small town. Everything was normal nothing interesting ever happened....well almost nothing, across the street from them there was an old house that looked like something out of a horror movie. When they first moved in Roman told Patton maybe it wasn't a good idea to go over there and Patton agreed, until one day there was a car parked in the lane way and two people moving things inside. Patton insisted that they go over and introduce themselves, Roman wanted to please his boyfriend so he agreed. The two walked over to the house, hand in hand and knocked on the door. A tall man with brown hair and a burn and a man with a moustache opened the door, "Hey there i'm Patton and this is Roman we thought we'd introduce ourselves" Patton said excitedly "Um hello...I'm Janus and this is Remus...(Roman and Remus aren't brothers in this) Janus said shaking Patton's hand, Roman went into protective mode and glared at Janus, Remus then looked at Janus and slammed the door "O-oh um alright" "Gosh people can be so rude sometimes" Roman said obviously annoyed "come on Pat let's go home"

A week later

Patton has been looking out the window staring at the house across the street he hasn't seen his neighbour's in awhile he was starting to get worried and over all just had a really bad feeling about it "Everything okay dearest?" Roman asked, he could tell Patton was feeling off "Ya it's just I'm worried about our neighbours I haven't seen them since we first met them..." "I'm sure everything is fine Pat...but if your truly worried we can go over if you want" "Yes that would be great!"
The two walked over to the house and knocked on the door.

No answer.

They knocked again.

No answer.

Roman then banged on the door out of annoyance and it swung open, "Th-they left it unlocked?" Patton said "It seems so huh that's strange?" Roman replied, he took Patton's hand and walked into the house, it was very creepy, there was spiderwebs everywhere broken floor boards, even smashed windows "What the hell happened in here" Roman said aloud "I don't know but whatever did I don't think it was good" Patton said frightened. The two walked further and further into the house, it was dark and they could hardly see anything, they suddenly came across a stair case leading to the basement, "Hey Patton let's check out down here"
No answer
"Patton?" When Roman turned around Patton was no where to be found. "Patton!" He started to panic this was definitely not the place to lose his boyfriend he then heard a noise coming from the basement, a scream, he ran down the stairs to where the sound was coming from when he got there that's when he saw it, his boyfriend tied to a chair crying his eyes out in fear and two dead bodies lying in the middle of the floor, it was their neighbours. "It's okay Pat it's okay I'm here I'm coming to untie you" Roman said as he ran over to his boyfriend when suddenly there was a loud bang and a sharp pain filled his knee
He had been shot
"ROMAN!" Patton screamed "It's alright pat aghhh it's just my knee" "it's just your knee so far..." a voice said "Who the hell was that" Roman said in pain "Ouch that hurts Roman you don't remember me" a man said stepping out of the shadows "Logan?!" Roman yelled in shock. Logan was Romans best friend when he was younger, as the got older they did lots of illegal things which Roman stopped doing when he went to college, he cut all contact with Logan and never spoke to him again "What the hell Logan what is this!" Roman shouted "What is this?! Oh I'll tell you what this YOU left me! You abandoned me! For this- guy for a guy Roman! Now he's gonna die and your gonna come back to me!" "NO!" Roman shouted he couldn't let that happen he just couldn't the he remembered something he always carried a gun in his belt, he quickly pulled it out and shot Logan in the head (sorry Logan I feel horrible) he then fell to the ground. Roman scooted over to where Patton was and untied him "R-Roma wh-what-" "I'm sorry you had to see that dearest come on let's go home" "No we are going to the hospital to get your knee fixed" "Fine" Patton then helped Roman out of the house put him in their car and drove him to the hospital
Roman has lots of explaining to do when they got home
3 chapters in one day?!
Word Count: 848

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