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"darryl! lets go, lets go! the theme park is calling us!"  george called out to darryl, it his was my first time going back to his favourite theme park as a kid. it had been 10 years, he barely had any memory of it.

"coming george!" darryl rushed out the room with a bag filled with their favourite snacks, as well as george's iconic white and black glasses. a his lips curved at the sight of the glasses, lifting his cheeks up, expressing the happiness deep within his body.

darryl enjoyed seeing him smile.

of course he did, they had been best friends for years and now are living together.

darryl smiled back, returning his happiness. after george had seen the returning smile he ran up to darryl and gently pulled his arm but let go because he didn't want to hurt him.

george and darryl had been planning this for months, and now that the day was here, the 23rd of october, all of george's stored up excitement was slowly being released.

george had never ran faster than when he ran to the car, the excitement leaving his feet, ending up in him leaping more than running to the car.

but with all this excitement both of them knew george can't drive or it'll end up in an accident, so whilst george was buzzing in the passenger seat, darryl was making sure that they had ended up arriving safely.

george was very thankful for this.


they arrived but george had his eyes closed, he had to make the moment special. darryl had slight shook georges shoulders which gave him a sign that he could open his eyes. he stepped put the car, darryl closing the door behind him. and then opened his eyes.

all of a sudden george felt like a kid again, his body filled with euphoria as he stood there frozen. not believing the nostalgic sight in front of him. in that moment, all his troubles had left his mind for the very first time.

he thought this would be the last time as well.

he was there, it felt like a sick dream.

what if it was a sick dream.

he stood there in a trace for a long 5 minutes. he was starting to overthink. george was never good with social situations, what if he got put in a bad one today?

stop george.

you and your therapist talked about this, prepare for the worst, expect the best. don't. start. overthinking. for. no. reason.

"lets go george!" the sound of darryl voice in that moment was so relieving, it reminded him that he was here. breathing. right in front of the place that made him happiest.

without another word, george grabbed darryl's arm and ran to the checkout, they scanned both their wrist bands and they were let in.

it amazed george.

his eyes lit up like never before.

and then he spent the next 3 hours of his day riding rides, eating the most delicious carnival food, playing games and going on water slides. his favourite.

as a kid george's favourite slide was 'slender', like its name it was tall and thin.

it went faster than dreams speed runs.
^this wasnt george thinking this it was just something i wanted to add to describe the slide 😭

it gave george this feeling which he never forgot, this euphoria. although it was never the same as it was then when he first went on it.

going on that slide again made him anxious.

what if it wasn't the same?

what is it disappoints me?

not again george.


even though george had been going to therapy for 3 years, he never found a way to stop overthinking. it was over the smallest things as well. it stopped him from doing normal things. making friends, going shopping, going to meeting etc.

so he started streaming. thats was his safe place, the one place where he didn't feel judged no matter what people said. it was different to him. an escape.

he went on the slender one last time that night, you could see the ecstasy plastered on his face. he was most definitely not disappointed.

as he went down and walked up to darryl who was finishing his game, a song started playing in the arcade. usually he didn't pay attention to the music but this song distracted him. the soothing melody and the words filled him with a strange feeling of warmth. comfort.

it was a song you could cry too and yet george felt at home listening to it.

"my heart is yours, its you that i hold on to."                                                                                                                           "yeah, thats what i do"

george had never been in love, all his past girlfriends left. in the most brutal ways as well. he still had scars from some of the past relationships but he had never opened up about it.

he told darryl he would be back in a minute and he sat on a bench outside the arcade. looking at all the rides lit up and the bright starts behind them. it was dark, about 7pm. the bench was kind of rusty, it could hold 4 people at max but it provided george the comfort he needed.

a whole galaxy in front of him. it really felt like a dream.

what if it is.

george couldn't believe the beauty of the world in front of him.

he still had that song in his head, sparks he later found out it was called. the lyrics circled in his head but then.

a tall, dirty blonde hair man sat down next to him. it was dark so george couldn't see him too well. but the lights of the theme park revealed the freckles scattered across his face. he has beautiful green eyes. to george they were yellow. but. he knew that they were beautiful to people who could see colour.

this man was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. george felt it. that feeling he felt when he saw the park, or that feeling when he heard that song

whatever it was. he felt it.

"it's beautiful isn't it."

{1001 words}
YOOO THATS THE END OF THE FIRST CHAPTER WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?! i'm probably going to edit this once i have finished the story so i apologise if there are any mistakes. i tried okay😭✋🏼 it's not that good but we vibe we vibe. keep in mind if some things aren't exactly accurate as they are irl don't come at me i may be changing some things but we shall see. ANYWAY, please make sure you have ate and drank something today!! and i hope you are all doing well<3333

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