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i hope you all are ready for next chapter 😃✋🏼 BECAUSE IM CERTAINLY NOT AJDHAJAHJAJA.

it was the night before christmas.
christmas eve.

and everyone had dropped off their present then went to sleep.

besides george and dream.

they were still sitting on the couch talking.

"dream it's really late we should probably head to sleep. i really didn't know where you would want to sleep so there is an extra bed in sapnaps room but like you could also sleep in my bed and i could just sleep on the couch or something"

"i could sleep in your bed. with you. if your comfortable with that obviously. nothing sexual."

"that would be nice"

and with that they got into george's bed and fell asleep.

but dream couldn't sleep.
he couldn't stop thinking about george.

his thought process was interrupted when george moved a little and now had his arm around dream's waist.

he was deep asleep so he wasn't aware.
dream knew that.

but that touch was the comfort dream needed to fall asleep.

george woke up early, so whilst everyone else was asleep he had food for everyone and poured drinks.

this took about an hour so when he was finished skeppy came in and then shortly followed by bad.

dream and sapnap had to be woken up.

the food was really nice.


and they did.

by the end of them opening presents. bad and skeppy were being all lovely to each other.

sapnap went for a walk in his new shoes, probably to the bar to be honest.

and dream and george still hadn't opened each other's presents.

but eventually they had too.


dream opened up george's presents first.

"i'll save the bigger one for last"

he opened george's merch and immediately put it on.

"george i love it thank you."

now it was time for the guitar.

he opened it and he couldn't believe it.
in reality he was saving up for one because his other guitar broke.
but now he had gotten it from the person he loved most.

"george i-"

he started tearing up.

"you didn't have to."

"but i wanted to"

"this means so much.
thank you.
so much"

dream really did feel loved at this moment.

"but now it's time for your presents."


dream first gave him more of his merch.
like dream.
george put it on immediately.

"i've been wanting to get more of your merch, thank you"
george smiled

it made dream smile.

"that's not all"

"is it not?"
george was okay if it was.
but no.
there was something else.

"i wanted to give you something for a while, and since now we are together, and it's christmas this would be the perfect time."

because he's still here to see his reaction.

"george, could you close your eyes but put out your left hand"

dream really hoped it fit.
since he got bad to tell him his ring size but what if it was wrong?

but ignoring all these intruding thought, dream places the ring on his middle finger.


"it's a promise ring george. meaning that i promise that i'll never leave you. and wherever you are in the world i'm always one phone call away, okay?"

george had trust issues from his past.
so hearing this.
and getting something really expensive for it.

it made george feel something he hadn't felt before.

he couldn't say anything.
so instead he fell into dream's arms are started to cry.

dream held him tight.

showing him all his love.


he looked up at dream.

"could i kiss you."

"yeah. you can."

george lifted his head and dream out both of i
his hands on each side of his neck, cupping it like his cheeks.

and took his lips and gently pressed them onto george's.

that feeling he got from it never went away.

george kissed back.

it was love.
we're the definition of love.

but dream had to mess it all up.

they pulled away and looked at each other.
and although george didn't have him glasses on.

dream looked beautiful to him.

{707 words}
ITS A SHORT CHAPTER I M A W A R E BUTTTTTTTT IM TO EXCITED TO WRITE THE NEXT ONE. uh i'd recommend getting water to read the next one because like you'll see 😃😃 it may be a little longer of a chapter i'm not exactly sure but we will see. lol i had to go back to the amount of time dream and sapnap we're gonna stay and chang it because for this too work they would have to leave before new years. SO NOW THEY LEFT 27th ANYWAY THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT I LOVE YOY ALL SO MUCH PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELFS. please<3333333333333

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