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"are you ready to go george?"

"of course i am"
and they left, bad closing the door behind them.

in the boot dream had put all the stuff so he didn't have to worry about george knowing what they were going to do. he was going to take george to a huge hill/cliff that looks over the city and stargaze.

 he was going to take george to a huge hill/cliff that looks over the city and stargaze

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^that was the view.

it was going to be perfect.

friends do this right?

as dream started driving george had asked-
"dreammmm where are we going this lateee"

you could hear the smirk in dreams voice.

"what are we even doing? it's like dark?"

"something that i know you'll enjoy"

"mmm okay"
they sat in comfortable silence until dream turned on the radio.

"did i drive you away?"
"i know what you'll say"
"you say-"

george knew he had to mention something.

"this song reminds me of you."
george immediately regretted saying that.

" that's funny, this is my favourite song. why does it remind you of me"
the tone in dreams voice was vulnerable, it rarely ever was but george liked it.
it made him feel safe.

"the night we met, i had just listened to this song for the very first time and when you came over i was thinking of the lyrics. whenever i hear the song it brings me back to that night."

dream found comfort in knowing that george thought about him.

in that moment dream had realised that he was in love with a man he met under the stars.

dream smiled, at that point it seem his only form of communication.

"we're here georgie"

george looked out the windshield and slightly dropped his jaw as his eyes lit up with all the city lights.
it makes his chocolate brown eyes sparkle.

dream looked over at george and admired his beauty. he wanted to hug him so bad. but he's saving that for later.

it had been and minute and george still hadn't said anything, this made dream anxious. did he take him some place wrong? no. maybe?

"do you uh- like it"
dream was really anxious,
george realised.

"i love it clay. the view is beautiful."
but you will always be more beautiful.

george looked over for a second and saw the relief spread all over his face.
his god damn beautiful face.

they stepped out the car and dream asked george to cover his eyes and to not peak.

in this time that george couldn't see he quickly got out all the picnic supplies, put them down, and put the special gift in a secret area.

he walked up beside george,

"you can open your eyes."

george opened his eyes and was shocked, he had butterflies like mad, someone actually did something special for him.

this made him feel so loved.

he just wanted to somehow show his thankfulness to dream.

"dream you really didn't have to do this, this is too much."

your worth it all george.

"no. i wanted to make tonight nice, bad was telling me how anxious you were."


"no buts george, just enjoy it."

george had a wide smile, it really meant a lot to him that someone cared that much.

he walked over to the blankets and pillows that had been laid out and sat down.
dream shortly followed him and did the same.

they spent that night laughing tons, eating, talking and just enjoying each other's company. it felt like something out of a dream.

maybe it was one.

the time had come and dream was keen to give george his gift.


george's voice was smooth, something that dream could fall asleep to.

"i want to stargaze if you up for it, but first."

"i want to give you something."

{629 words}
YES THIS IS ANOTHER SHORT CHAPER I AM AWARE. I JUST WANTED TO ADD SUSPENSE, WHAT WILL DREAM GIVE GEORGE HMM WHO COULD KNOW AJSHAHSBAAMHAHAHSHA. this is the last chapter for right now since it's 3 am and i'm tired from getting no sleep last night 😃 ALSO I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT NINE SO IM GOING TO SLEEP AND YOU WILL ALL JUST HAVE TO WAIT TILL LATER TO FIND OUTBWHAT HAPPENS, please take care of yourselfs and make sure to get some rest<333

-maybe in another lifetime- {dreamnotfound}Where stories live. Discover now