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"what is it?"

this was it.
it was just a gift right?
nothing to be scared of.

george couldn't notice but dream was shaking. he didn't know why he was so scared of it if it  we're just a gift.

"close your eyes. but don't cover them."

george closed his eyes.
he didn't know what he expected.
maybe some more merch? he wasn't sure.

but then he felt it.
two cold temples brush past the side of his head and rest on his ears.
at this point george was dead confused.

"you can open your eyes."

so george did.
and the dry coloured world he had saw before was filled with bright clouds shining everywhere.
but the first thing he saw was dream.

he could see colour properly.

"i hope you like them."


"can you see it? the colour?"
dream was scared.
what if he had gotten the wrong type of EnChroma glasses.
what if george wasn't ready to see the real colour and beauty of this world.

" i can."
george couldn't believe it.
he could see the shades of green and red that he had never seen before.
he could tell the difference between the colours.

but since it was dark george couldn't see the thing he wanted too most.

dream's eyes.

but he could wait. he would.

he always would.

" how.. is it?"

george didn't answer.
instead he started to tear up, this was so overwhelming for him to comprehend.

"i'm sorry for crying, this just doesn't feel real."

"it's okay. did i do something wrong?"


there they both were.
sitting opposite each other in front of a city filled with people.
the view.
the occasion.
the emotions.
the events.
it all felt unreal.

what if it was.

"georgie, could i give you a hug?"
every time dream called george that.
it's like he was trying to manipulate him without realising.
george both loved and hated it.

"yeah, you can"
george's voice was shaky.
this time he didn't specify the length of it.
he just agreed.
he wanted that hug more than everything.
it was a small change but dream noticed it.
he definitely noticed it.

but as dream pulled him into a hug and george made his head comfortable.
he felt something unexpected.
two arms wrap gently around his body in return.

it was the first time george had ever done that.
clay loved it.
the way he hugged dream.
it made him flustered, maybe because it was unexpected. or maybe because dream genuinely was in love george.

dream had pulled away when he usually does, he really didn't want george to be uncomfortable.

but george felt a little empty after this, part of him wanted more.

"you could've held on a little longer if you liked." george muttered it so quietly that it was barely understandable.

but dream knew what he said.
frankly he was a little surprised.
but he went along with it and held out his arms for george to go back into, and he did.

it was cold.
but when they are around each other the adrenaline warms them up.

eventually dream pulled away.
he respected george's boundaries.



george really enjoyed the physical touch.
it just scared him a little.
was if dream was like his parents,
but he was tricking him.
it was just his anxiety acting up but the thought really did scare him.

the rest of the night was quiet, some laughing every now and then. but they were fine with it, it was really each other's presence they needed.

"it's really getting late." george had mentioned.
"we could maybe go to my place?"
you could tell that sentence made george anxious.

"yeah, that sounds pog"
{635 words}
YES I AM AWARE THIS IS ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER. i'm about to take a nap lol and my brain doesn't have the capacity to add on to this chapter so the next chapter should be out later hopefully. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE CHAPTER?!? george's classes are pretty pog ngl.
i have fr been listening to roadtrip all day and so has sapnap according to spotify-
THANK YOU SK SO MUCH FOR 837 READS AND 43 VOTES AHH THAT MEANS SO SO MUCH i didn't think i'd wake up with so many- i'm so glad you are all enjoying the story!!
ANYWAY I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTEr. i hope you are all doing well and remember to take care of yourself <3333

-maybe in another lifetime- {dreamnotfound}Where stories live. Discover now