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who really knew that it was the last time dream would ever kiss george?

dream did.

a few days had passed in those days dream had left and planned a date with george, on the cliff at 11:50pm.

so he could enjoy new years with his soulmate.
but no.
that's not how it turned out.

george had gotten ready to see him.
he was so excited.

this time he even decided to drive himself, but because of this he left a little earlier because he couldn't drive very well.

he even brought his EnChroma glasses for the view.
he knew that this night was going to be special.

he also brought it.
the bottom ripped piece of the letter dream had.
he was going to tell him that he loved him.

so there he was parked about 2 minutes late. but he was still there and that's all that mattered.


when he stepped out him car, dream wasn't there.


instead of dream there was a blanket with with a dream plush he made himself.

george's letter

and a note that said:
'check your voicemail. thought you would want to hear my voice one last time georgie.'

what the fuck.
george was confused.

like really damn confused.

why wasn't he here.
this was meant to be special.

is dream okay?


but the only way he could find out is the voicemail.
so he went to listen to it.

his fingers were shaking as he played it.

"oh georgie."
his voice was hurt.
but it sounded free.

"i can imagine your face right now, it's very very confused and worried"
dream chuckled slightly.

"that's something i love dearly about you"

by every word he said george got more and more confused.

"that you care and worry so much for people, especially for me."

what was he doing.

"that's something about you that made me feel properly loved for the first time in my life. and i hope for the next person you find and fall in love with like you did with me, they feel the same."

you could hear how in love he was with george.
so where was he going with this.

" for the past 2 months that i've known you, i couldn't have spent them better. you healed me and got me to accept my trauma unlike anyone else could."

was this a goodbye?
george started to tear up.
he couldn't handle this.

"my only regret is that i didn't get to tell you i loved you"

you heard it.
the hurt and regret of it.
the guilt.
the way his voice cracked up.

"but this is it george. after everything you got me through, i never forgot what happened to me. and i know i never will.
so i drove.
far far away from here.
i needed a new start."

-maybe in another lifetime- {dreamnotfound}Where stories live. Discover now