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they got back into dream's car and drove to george's place.

for the whole car ride george had the glasses on so he could see how everything really looked like. it was like something out of a movie.
mcdonald's looks pretty damn cool.

but eventually george fell asleep.
it was so difficult for dream not to look over,
but he needed to focus on the road.

he snuck one glance though.

the way george looked so relaxed.
and how him hair set perfectly in place.
it makes dream wonder.

does george love him back?
or is he just friendly?


eventually dream arrived at george's house with him sleeping peacefully in the passenger seat. he really didn't want to wake him up but lifting him may be crossing boundaries.

so he got bad, which had lived with him for a long time meaning george was probably more comfortable with bad lifting him than dream.

bad lifted george into his room and dream locked the car up.

"dream it's really late, please stay over"

"are you sure bad?"

"of course!! you can sleep on the couch, it actually quite comfortable."

"sounds good"

dream received blankets and pillows from darryl and when he went to sleep, dream set out everything.

no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get to sleep.
he couldn't get george out of his head.
especially when he hugged him back.
that felt euphoric.

but after hours and hours of thinking about his best-friend in ways he shouldn't be, he fell into a deep sleep.

george had woken up around 10 am.
he was really confused how he had gotten to his bed.

did dream carry me?
i wouldn't mind if he did.

george went to make sure tho. he knew that dream couldn't cook so when he smelt bacon he knew bad was awake.
the perfect person to ask.

i wonder if dream stayed over.

his questions were confirmed when he walked into the living room to see dream pass out on the couch.
a wave of relief came over him.
he still wanted to say goodbye to dream.

then he saw bad cooking in the kitchen.
"bad how did i get to my bed?"
george made sure to say quiet so dream didn't wake up.

"i carried you in, dream was scared he would be crossing boundaries if he did."

this was one of the reasons george was in love with him. he was very aware of boundaries.

george headed back to the living room and sat down on an armchair that had the perfect view of dream.

george admired all of dreams features.
the way his chest rose and fell with every small breath.
the way his eyes were peaceful shut, fluttering every-time the light changed.
the way his hair flipped over to the side,

-maybe in another lifetime- {dreamnotfound}Where stories live. Discover now