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you had just woken up and the events of last night were in the back of your head, still replaying, making your head spin too early in the morning.

you checked your phone to see if you had any important notifications and realized hawks had sent you a good morning text, as well as asking how you had slept. this made your head spin more wondering how a super hot camboy was showing such interest in you.

quickly texting him back you reluctantly rolled out of bed to start your day. you didn't have classes but you had a lot of studying to do and you had work later on, needless to say, it was going to be a long day and you could only look forward to the moment you were able to be back in bed.

your nose was deep in your school book as you were going back and forth between that and your laptop where you were typing up notes which stopped abruptly when you saw a call coming in on your screen. your face scrunched up until you saw hawks name.

"hello?" you said once the line connected.
"hi angel, i have a favor to ask"
you were nervous, "what is it?"
"i might've told dabi about what happened last night and now he's jealous and wants to make the plans happen earlier." he replied all in one breath, you were barely able to make out what he said but after a few seconds, it clicked in your head.
you laughed, thinking it over in your head before replying, "how much sooner?"
"maybe within the next few days", he trailed off. you could tell he was nervous to tell you all this but it wasn't a big deal to you, until the reality started to set in.
"what about this weekend? i'm off, i planned on doing studying but maybe i could fit you guys in somewhere." you felt a smirk creeping onto your lips at your play on words.
"oh, you'll definitely want to do that. we'll book the airbnb and send a car for you, bring any toys you like to use as well."
you face was starting to get hot, "i definitely will."

after your short talk earlier with hawks you were once again distracted for the rest of the day until it was time for you to get ready for work which would hopefully keep your mind off of these boys that were living in there rent free.

you quickly got dressed and made it to work on time, saying your hellos to your coworkers and found yourself being happy because your work best friend was there as well,
"hey diamond." you said to her as you were grabbing your nametag
"oh hey bitch, i didn't know we were working together!" she exclaimed as a huge smile crept onto her face.
"i know me either, they know it's always a mistake to have us working together cuz shit don't be gettin done." you guys both laughed because you knew it was true.
you and diamond had got hired at the same time and you guys had immediately hit it off and you've been close ever since. you would hang out to go get food if you were off at the same time but it wasn't often so it was always nice to see her when you were clocking in.

a few hours had passed at work and you were constantly checking your apple watch to look at the time because it was dragging. night shifts during the week at a retail place are the worst because it's either hella busy or hella dead and tonight, it was hella dead.
you were able to catch up with diamond to hear about all the drama she had going on with these boys she was involved with. if there was one thing about her, she never wanted to be in a relationship but she did love the attention, it was honestly mind-boggling how she kept up with so many guys at once but honestly, i love it for her and i love hearing the stories.
"you wanna get in n out after work?" she asked you.
"uh, hell yeah, you don't even have to ask."
the both of you were going to continue your conversation until a shit ton of customers had walked in out of nowhere and kept you guys busy for the rest of your shift.

the both of you were now sitting in a booth at in n out enjoying your food and you were honestly wondering why these burgers hit different at night.
"why do these burgers hit so different at night?"
your eyes went wide, "bitch, tell me why i was literally just thinking that."
"aye, great minds think alike!" she smiled at you.
you nodded in agreement as you took another bite of your burger.
as you were both enjoying the last few bites of your food, diamond looked like she had just seen a ghost and before you could even turn around to see what caused this reaction she whispered to you, "don't turn around, it's my ex, i think hes gonna walk over here."
i think the fuck not, "for what though?" you asked dragging out the last word.
"cuz he still want this coochie."
"please shut the hell up!" you laughed at her.
"im so serious, ugh, he's definitely coming over here."
you looked over your shoulder slightly and saw a taller guy with spikey black hair.
"diamond, it's been a while." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"yeah, for obvious reasons shindo." she replied to him flatly.
"dont be like that." he frowned.
"be like what? you treated me like shit so i think it's been a long time coming that i act this way towards you."
he sighed, "you'll come around." and he had left to go back to his group of friends.

you looked at diamond and she just rubbed her hands over her face while letting out a groan, "why are the fine ones always crazy!" she exclaimed.
you laughed at her and she just gave you a straight face as she tried her hardest to not laugh but she did anyways.
"the fine ones have to be crazy or else they're boring bitch!" you laughed.
she looked at you and raised her eyebrows while pointing at you across the table while nodding.
your were finishing the last bit of your fries when diamond proposed an idea you couldn't say no to.

"nao, what are you doing?" you asked your best friend as you held your phone between your shoulder and looked at a few outfit choices.
she excitedly answered, "not doin shit, what we finna get into?"
a smile crept onto your face, "get cute, we goin out with one of my coworkers."
"you don't gotta tell me twice!"

you continued looking for an outfit, basically tearing your entire closet apart until you settled for a black strapless bodysuit, light wash mom jeans, and black heels, paired with gold jewelry and an auburn straight middle part wig. you sent a few selfies to nao and diamond, both of them hyping you up and they both sent you their outfits as well. nao was wearing a short red dress with a slit and her curly hair was in a cute half up half down style while diamond was wearing a silk bandana top with a leopard print skirt and a blonde shoulder-length wig. needless to say you all looked good.

the two girls met at your house and you decided it would be best to take a few shots of malibu before calling the uber to take us downtown since it was barely nine we definitely had enough time.
"y/n! why didn't you tell me your bestie was such a bad bitch?" diamond questioned as she took another shot.
nao just giggled and shook her head while you did the same and downed your own shots.
"you never asked miss girl!" the three of you laughed when diamond suggested calling the uber because it was close to ten and you guys didn't wanna wait too long to get downtown.

the first club you guys had stopped at was playing hella whack music that had the three of you side-eyeing each other like the fuck is they playin but they had good drinks so you decided to put up with it and stay for a while on top of diamond finding a cute guy to dance with and you and nao didn't wanna pull her away from him. she soon gave us a look of help and we immediately came to her rescue while practically running out of the club laughing at how the guy was trying to hold her hostage for the rest of the night but that was not happening.

the second club was much better and this time the three of yall was ready to shake some ass as you were ordering a few shots. once megan the stallion started playing yall took your shots and immediately made your way to the dance floor with nao and diamond right behind you.

you quickly started grinding on nao while she held your hips and you were holding onto diamond in front of you, all eyes were on the three of you guys hyping you up, even the dj made a shoutout and the entire club was going crazy. you decided to end the show with the splits as you bounced up and down, your ass still shaking and everyone was surprised. you were smiling and laughing as your girls helped you up and your eyes were met with a pair of turquoise ones, your eyes shifted a bit and you were met with a pair of golden ones, both of the men who the eyes belonged to were smirking at you, shit.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now