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warnings: smut

you woke up to nao facing you as you smiled and turned around since you heard your phone vibrating, you groaned as you answered the phone, "hello?"
"hey, sleepy head." you heard dabis voice on the other end of the phone.
your eyes shot open as you hopped out of bed to go into the bathroom so you didn't wake up nao, "hi dabi." you tried to stop the smile that was creeping onto your face, "what if we met up today?" he questioned.

you weren't mentally prepared to see him today and it was the start of the week which meant you still had classes today since the semester wasn't over quite yet.

"well, i have class until four today so if you can wait until after then maybe, since you're already so impatient."
"i guess i could wait a little longer...just come over after your class." you could hear the smirk in his voice and it was making your stomach do backflips. this man was really going to drive you crazy.

you heard the bathroom door open as you looked up since you had sat down on the toilet, "who are you-" nao started before you hushed her to show who was on the phone as she grinned at you and leaned against the doorframe.

"is nao with you?" your eyes widened, "yeah she spent the night here since we were drinking."
"maybe she can join you next time but call me when you're on your way and wear a nice dress and bring extra clothes." he said before hanging up, not even giving you a chance to respond.

"bitch, what the fuck was that about?" as you looked at your phone in disbelief.
"i couldn't even tell you, that nigga crazy, we were literally talking about me going to his house after my classes and he says that."
"well, after last night, i'm sure neither of us would be complaining." she winked at you.
"shut up." you laughed as you stood up from the toilet and walked back into your room.

you were really dreading classes and you were just hoping the day would fly by. at this point, you only had about a week left of school and you could not be happier because this semester has dragged you through hell and back and summer was coming which meant you could wild out with nao and a few of your other friends with the small trips you had planned. you were also excited to see what would happen this summer with hawks and dabi because it seemed like anything involving them was always unexpected and you loved every second of it.

you and nao had made it to class right on time as your other friends mina and momo had greeted you guys, "i feel like i haven't seen you two in so long!" mina complained as soon as we had sat down, "its only been like a week mina." you smiled to her as she was still pouting, "but we never hang out outside of school until it's summer which is so lame, we should all hang out more." momo was nodding her head beside her as she smiled and pulled out her materials to get her notes ready.

she was right, it was always just you and nao until summer came and then the four of you would hang out but once summer was over it was back to the two of you which you never really understood why because you loved mina and momo. momo was lowkey super popular and her friends sero, kirishima, and bakugo were always having parties which a lot of the time you declined since you were always focusing on school but once summer came that was a whole different story.

the entire class you felt like you were in a daze because you couldn't help but think of dabi and how effortlessly it seemed like you were becoming more and more intrigued by him. he kept sending you risky texts throughout the class and it was not helping at all because you needed a moment but couldn't find the right time to go to the bathroom so you just had to suffer.

as soon as the professor ended class you said your goodbyes to the girls and rushed to the bathroom. you texted dabi and told him he had to stop fucking with you while you were in class and he just sent a laughing emoji back, this nigga really think shit is funny. you shake your head as you wash your hands and make your way to your next class.

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