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"fuck," you heard dabi grunting on the other side of the room as hawks was currently riding him while you were going between scrolling through twitter and watching the two of them.

it was completely different being in the room with them while they filmed compared to watching the stream but you enjoyed it, it made you want to join in but you weren't too sure how the boys would feel about it since you didn't mention it to either of them before they started.

you continued watching them as hawks attached his lips to dabis neck, finally realizing there were a few other marks left behind from when the two of you were fucking.
"i guess i'm not the only one leaving marks on you, am i?" hawks said just above a whisper but you were able to hear from your chair in the corner.

this tugged a smirk onto dabis lips, "maybe we should show off the one whos been leaving marks on me lately, what do you say hawks?" he asked out to the audience as he gripped his hips to stop him from bouncing.

you looked between the two boys with wide eyes, surprised that they wanted you to join them, "only if you want," hawks started.
there was an increase in dings from the computer, signaling tips, and comments.
"but the audience seems like they want you, almost more than us since we've never had a special guest."

you nodded your head before standing up as dabi came over to you, removing your flannel and leaving you in your top and biker shorts, "are you sure? you don't have to." he placed his hand on your cheek, caressing it.
you smiled up at him, "im sure but only if i get to be a little dominant."
"you wish is my command, baby."

it was a dream to boss these two around a bit, to give them a taste of what its like to be in the backseat for once. you were slightly nervous because you had never done anything like this but also excited because it involved two of your favorite boys, you were just hoping you weren't absolutely terrible at it.

"obviously we've been waiting for this moment," hawks said as he pulled out a dildo and handed it to you. you laughed a bit before you looked at the blonde and got serious, "on the bed." he quickly obeyed, getting on his knees with his back arched, "you listen so well." you smiled before you spit down onto the dildo and rubbed against his asshole, making sure he was a bit prepared before you inserted it.

you slowly inserted into him as he let out a soft whimper, "faster."
"so needy." you rubbed his ass before smacking it, leaving some redness and speeding up the pace you were inserting the dildo. hawks was already a mess, trails of moans and grunts leaving his lips as you reached around to stroke his dick, feeling how hard he was which made you smile to yourself.

you started to find a rhythm between stroking hawks and fucking him with the dildo until you felt pleasure between your legs.

dabis fingers had found their way between your folds as you let out a moan yourself, caught off guard by the action.

"hawks isn't the only one turned on here, you like being dominant princess?" he said in your ear before biting down on your shoulder, definitely leaving a bite mark.
"y-yes, i do." you stuttered a bit, trying your best to focus on pleasuring hawks while dabi was doing his best to distract you.

dabi always made your head feel incredibly fuzzy as soon as he touched you, you never understood how he did but under his touch your body always went hot like you were already gonna cum with barely being touched.

you focused back a bit when you heard hawks calling out to you, "im gonna cum y/n."

his voice sent a chill down your spine, it had been so long since you saw him a horny mess, fucked out and drooling all over the place, it was quite the sight and you enjoyed seeing it since you were the reason he was like this.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now