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it had been a few weeks since the arcade date with hawks and to say you guys had been inseparable ever since was lowkey an understatement. you guys were spending the night at each other's houses a lot more often, going on more dates, meeting more of each other's friends, even planning trips together and it all felt so natural.

"our flight leaves at 6:45 in the morning baby, we need to sleep soon." hawks said to you as he scrolled aimlessly on his phone.
you had your head on his chest as you were tracing your finger along his bare skin, "i know, you've reminded me so many times but i'm horny." you replied quietly.
he locked his phone and looked down at you, "if you wanted some dick then just say that, you know i'll put that ass to sleep real quick."
"yeah and so will this pussy so shut up." you slapped his chest before he could grab your wrist but as soon as he did he flipped you over, spanking your bare ass since all you had on was one of his shirts.
"always talking back," he started, smacking your ass again, "and if i put this dick in you i know you still won't shut up." he smirked, moving your panties to the side as he rubbed his fingers in between your folds causing you to moan loudly.

he started rubbing your clit slowly, so slow it was almost agonizing and you just wanted to feel him inside of you.
"keigo, i wanna feel you." you finally breathed out.
"already begging, such a little slut." he pulled his boxers down, stroking his already hard cock.

he kept you with your ass in the air while his hands wrapped around your hips as he slowly slid himself into you, "god, the way you tighten up around me is unreal." he moaned out, almost sliding his entire cock out before he pounded into you, slapping your ass a few more times.

your moans were becoming louder the more he pounded into you, you couldn't help them from coming out, you had been craving his dick all night.

you reached your hands back behind you and hawks immediately gripped them both with one of his hands so you weren't able to touch him, "no touching baby, not until i say so."
you whined, not being able to touch him was the worst part of sex with him, you loved the feeling of his smooth skin as he fucked you senseless but there were sometimes where he wanted full control and you obeyed for the most part.
"i know you hate it but its always worth it, isnt it?" he continued as you tried to nod your head that was buried into the sheets, "words baby."
"y-yes." your head was fuzzy, you could barely concentrate on what he was saying to you.

instead, you were trying to make sure you didn't cum yet, you wanted to keep feeling him inside of you but he knew you were close, "you're squeezing more than usual around me, you're close aren't you, my love."
"yes baby, i want you to cum with me."
"fuck." he turned you around so you were now on your back, your arms immediately wrapping around his neck as he bent down, holding himself up on his elbows as he buried his head into the crook of your neck but his pace never faltered, "cum for me princess."

you felt yourself unraveling around his cock as his hips twitched and you felt his cum inside you. your chests heaving against each other, hawks kissing you all over, ending with one on your lips before removing his dick from you.

he checked the time on his phone seeing it was already a little past midnight, "let's get cleaned up real quick and go to sleep so we don't miss this flight."
you nodded in agreement, practically running to the bathroom while trying to make sure none of his cum dripped out of you before you made it to the toilet.

a little too soon you heard the alarm going off, you quickly grabbed your phone to turn it off as you lightly hit keigos chest so he would wake up, "baby, turn off your alarm." you groaned as he groggily turned over to turn it off.
"please remind me why we made our flight this fuckin early." you asked as you threw the blankets off of you and walked to the bathroom so you could at least wash your face and brush your teeth.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now