𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐲

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it was the first official day of the trip and you were beyond excited to see what was planned especially when you woke up to the smell of breakfast being made.

you uncovered yourself and made your way down the spiral stairs to the kitchen where hawks and sero were making food.

both of them had their backs to you so when you softly called out to keigo, "baby..."
he turned around with wide eyes and a hand over his bare chest, "fuck you scared me, and you aren't supposed to be up yet! it's barely 8:30 you never wake up this early."
you laughed since he was now pouting and you suspected it was because he wanted to serve you in bed, "did you wanna serve me breakfast in bed?"
he nodded quickly, "alright, i'll pretend this never happened." you made your way back upstairs and decided to get comfy again while you waited for the boys to be done.

"baby," you heard, pulling you out of your sleep. "wake up."
you sat up, rubbing your eyes tryna figure out when you even fell back asleep.
"breakfast is served." keigo said with the biggest smile on his face as he put the tray over your lap. your eyes scanned across it and a smile immediately spread across your face, "this all looks so good, i love it." you reached up to cup his face and give him a quick kiss.

when you pulled away, hawks looks dazed and you laughed a bit, "you good?" you asked as you started to dig into your food.
"yeah, i just realized something."
you looked at him puzzled, thinking about what he could mean as you waited for him to continue while you chewed on your waffles.

raising your eyebrows at him to continue he insisted it was fine and told you to keep eating instead so you shrugged it off.

he came and sat next to you on the bed trying to sneak a piece of bacon but you slapped his hand away before he could pick it up, "shoulda made your own!" you grabbed the piece and took a bite.
he pouted, "i was too focused on cooking for you."
trying to hide your smile, you handed him the rest of the piece, "i knew you'd give in."
"shut up before i snatch it back." you threatened.

"how should i dress for today?" you asked hawks as you looked through your suitcase at all the clothes you had brought along.
"cute and comfy."
you nodded and pulled out a pair of light distressed shorts and a white top with black and white dunks.

"this good enough?" you came into the bathroom to show hawks and realized you guys were almost matching with the same black and white dunks but he had on black jeans with a white top.
"oh, you wanna be me so bad." you teased as you set up your makeup on the counter.
"i was dressed first so i think you wanna be me baby." he winked at you but you just laughed, rolling your eyes and started to do your makeup.

after about another hour the two of you met sero and nao in the living room, "hey, how was your night?" you asked your best friend.
"oh girl," she said in a hushed voice so the boys wouldn't hear too much, "i'm surprised we didn't wake you guys up."
your eyes widened in shock because one, you couldn't believe they was gettin it on and two, you were afraid of stepping around the room too loud and waking up the two of them.

"and here i was being all worried about making too much noise but y'all were being nasty! maybe it's good our rooms are on opposite sides of the house." you joked. "i also fell asleep right after our bath so maybe keigo heard y'all, but i surely didn't."

the two of you continued to talk amongst yourselves for a bit until hawks announced that you guys were going to look at the maya ruins and try one of the popular restaurants nearby.

hawks had obviously decided to rent a jeep that look almost identical to the one he had back home, "really baby?"
"you don't know how hard it was to find one as similar to midnight." he defended, referring to the name he gave his jeep.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now