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warnings: slight degradation, masturbation

you were scared shitless waiting for him to call. once his name popped up on your phone you waited a couple of rings to answer.
"hello angelslut." his voice came out smoothly
"hi hawks," you replied shyly, "just y/n is fine."
he thought for a moment, "i think i prefer angelslut."
you shuffled a bit and crossed your legs that were hanging off the side of your bed.
"already a bit antsy? don't be, i want you to be as comfortable as possible," you smiled in response as he continued on.
"but, i was thinking i could get to know you personally before dabi is introduced to you since i was the one that brought up the idea first."
you let out a breath you didn't realize you holding in, "so is this 20 questions or what?"
"it can be whatever you want it to be."
this man is such a flirt, you thought to yourself.
"let's start then."
the more you talked to him, the more he reminded you of someone but you just couldn't quite put your finger on it.
the rest of the facetime call consisted of multiple questions going back and forth between the two, it was nice to experience his goofiness first hand but then suddenly you noticed his eyes shifted mid-conversation, he was a completely different person almost and you didn't know what to expect.

"you're even hotter than what your pictures show." he said after a few minutes of silence.
"you've seen my pictures?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow.
he nodded, "of course, why do you think i've been so interested to return the favor? you deserve it."
this man just might drive you to insanity. "but that's beside the point, i want to try something with you."
you looked at him suspiciously,
"i want you to show me what you do in your imagination."

you looked at him with a 'you're not serious' face and he gave you a look that let you know he was not joking.
you set up your phone on your dresser that was in front of your bed and you started to strip for him.
you started by sliding the straps of your top off of your shoulders which made you remember you didn't have a bra on, "no bra." hawks said to himself but loud enough for you to hear, you smiled at him.

you were now topless and decided to face your ass to the camera as you bent over and slid your shorts down over your ass leaving you in just your thong, your pussy barely being covered. you heard hawks let out a low groan which tugged a smile at your lips.
you decided to tease him even more and play with your ass for him and you could physically hear how this striptease was driving him insane already.
you slowly slid your panties down, now exposing your entire ass. "you're the biggest tease i know baby." this nickname gave you slight butterflies but you didn't let that show as you grabbed your phone to now position it somewhere he would be able to see your pussy. he also repositioned himself so now you were able to see his dick.
"someone wants to have their cake and eat it too, hm?" you said to him before licking your fingers and spreading yourself apart slowly.
"with someone as fine as you, of course, i do." he replied with a smirk.

you were making quick circles on your clit as hawks was pumping his cock, matching your pace, you felt yourself getting closer and closer when hawks called out your name, "angel, don't cum until i tell you to." you were so caught up in the moment but you somehow processed what he said to you and you started to slow down, your climax running further away from you.
"i want you to finger yourself." was all he said and your fingers were quickly going in and out of your tight walls. you were watching hawks again, your unoccupied hand tugged at your nipple, you bit your lip to stop your moans from coming out.
"i want to hear you." your moans were immediately coming out of you as soon as the words had left his lips.

hawks was talking to you as you were appraoching your high and you didnt know how much longer you could hold out. you continued to finger yourself for a few minutes and watched him stop midsentence to spit down onto his already wet and throbbing cock, "i love when you do that." you said to him breathlessly. "i'll do it just for you baby."

the both of you were moaning like there was no tomorrow, throwing in each others names every now and then and every time hawks made a new nickname for you, you were so much closer to cumming but he wouldn't let you. he wanted the both of you to hold out so he could watch you for as long as possible, but the both of you were so close, it was making your head spin at the denial of your orgasm until finally, you called out to him.

"i'm so close hawks"
"hold out for me angel."
you didn't know how much longer you could hold out on your orgasm, your fingers had slowed down, you were so close and hawks put you well over the edge.
"cum for me you fucking slut." and you let yourself come undone for him.

your body was still convulsing at the immense relief you felt. you had squirted a bit and didn't expect to so now you had to wash your sheets which you internally groaned at but hawks had a lazy smirk on his face as you saw the white cream on his chest.

"i cant wait until im deep inside you." he said, reaching over for a cloth to clean himself up.
you felt yourself getting hot as you got up to clean a bit and stripped your sheets to bring them into the laundry room.
"you're crazy, hawks" you laughed.
"crazy for you maybe." he replied immediately.
"oh shut up!"

the conversation between the two of you had continued like normal after that until you had both realized the time and decided it was time for bed, you regretfully said goodbye to him and hung up, the events of tonight replaying in your mind.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now