𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧

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the club you guys ended up at happened to be on a strip of some other clubs, promoters were trying their best to get as many people into the clubs so you guys decided to take the bait and follow one of the promoters to a club named papas & beer which seemed to be the most popular club there.

most of the clubs were an indoor outdoor fusion which was actually amazing because it wouldn't get uncomfortably hot but also because the club looked right over the ocean.

although it was outdoors, you could still feel the bass of the music in your chest, the people dancing and having the time of their lives as they got more and more drunk and truly you just couldn't wait to have fun and dance all night long.

of course as soon as you guys made it across the dance floor and towards the bar, ayy ladies by travis porter started playing and you couldn't help moving your hips against hawks as you waited for the bartender to get drinks for the four of you.

"already?" hawks said in your ear through gritted teeth.
a smile crept onto your face, already know you were driving him crazy, "you know i love this song."
he sighed, shaking his head, bringing his attention to the bartender, "can we get four margaritas, please? and just keep a tab open for us!" he shouted over the music.

oh, keeping a tab open definitely meant you were getting fucked up...and fucked up by the end of the night.

"i'm just tryna hit it by the end of the night, lil mama so bad and the booty so tight, when i hit it from the back, don't fuss don't fight." hawks said in your ear along with the song and now he was the one teasing you but you just laughed because you had a lot more strength than hawks did and could contain yourself unlike him.
"lets see how long you'll last tonight, how about that?" you asked him as you turned around the face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and still swinging your hips side.
"you always like to challenge me when we go out."
"because i know you wont last."
he smiled, "bet."

this club would definitely go down as your favorite one you had been to so far, they hadn't played one bad song, the drinks were the perfect amount to get you a buzz but not drunk because you hated that feeling.

"lets go to the deck." you dragged hawks out of the sand dancer floor and up the stairs where there was some tables overlooking the beach.

you sighed, taking a seat.

"it's so nice here." hawks said, looking at the water and sitting next to you.

the beach was almost pitch black besides the colorful lights from the club illuminating on it every now and then but hearing the waves crashing and you could only imagine how beautiful the water was in the day time, which made you smile.

"it is, and it's even better with you here." you said to him, a smile coming onto your face immediately.
"oh shut up." he instantly smiled back and grabbed the back of your neck towards him, making your lips crash onto his.

you moaned at the contact, tasting the alcohol as your tongues met with each other. your hands came up to both sides of his face, as if it was possible for the two of you to be closer than you were right now.

the grip on the back of your neck tightened before he pushed away from you, a smirk on his lips, "but i'm the one that wont be able to last tonight right, princess?" he tilted your head back a bit as you felt his lips make contact with your neck and you almost melted into the seat. he was tempting you, trying to get you to break first but it would take much more than that, at least you hoped.

"god, you're so annoying!" you laughed, trying to push him away but failing because he was much stronger than you and still had a pretty firm grip on your neck.
"you know you don't mean that baby." he continued kissing up and down your neck, making his way back to your lips as you tried to turn away from him but he stopped you, "stop being a brat before i take you in the bathroom and fuck you stupid." he said through gritted teeth before your lips met again.
"maybe thats what i fucking want."
"you're such a slut for my cock." he whispered, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the nearest bathroom which happened to actually be a single stall, perfect for you guys.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now