𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭

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"dabi." you called out.
he didn't wake up so you said his name a little louder.
"what? what is it baby?" he mumbled but you just rolled your eyes.
"who else are you fucking?"

that sure woke him the fuck up.

"what?" his eyes snapped open.
"you heard me, don't play dumb with me right now."
you were trying your best to not snap on him immediately but he just wasn't talking fast enough for you which was quickly pushing you to your breaking point.
"i'm only with you, where is this coming from?"
"ask the girl who's blowing your phone up in the middle of the fucking night."

he rolled over and grabbed his phone to check as he rubbed his face. he knew this wasn't good. he was trying his best to keep things from getting messy but he obviously failed and he knew anything he said to you would piss you off more.

"i just think it's funny," you started, "how you got yourself into this, you didn't have to fucking call me your girl, act like you wanted to be with me, plan a whole day for us, fuck me while you were fucking some other girl. logical thinking is just something that you lack."
"whatever, ill go fuck her instead." you heard him say under his breath.
"okay slick mouth nigga, have fun, don't ever fucking contact me again."

you laughed to yourself at how you really believed this guy could do such a 160 in such a short amount of time. you grabbed your phone as you started to pack up whatever shit you had left there over the past few weeks.

in the middle of packing your shit, you looked through your contacts and pressed on the first one that caught your eye. it rang a few times before the person picked up.

"y/n?" the voice yawned into the phone.
"sorry were you sleeping?"
"yeah but it's fine, what's up?" you could hear rustling like they were moving around.
"um...can you pick me up from dabis?" you said quietly.
"is everything okay?"
"i'll tell you when you get here."
"i'll see you in fifteen."

you double-checked to make sure you had everything so there would be no reason for you to come back here as dabi just watched you. there was nothing he could do or say that would save his ass and that hurt the most. you just got so caught up in how he was treating you now that you forgot how much of a player he could actually be but you weren't gonna beat yourself over it because it was his loss not yours.

exactly fifteen minutes later there was a honk outside which made you practically run out of his apartment, still not speaking a word to each other.

"hi hawks." you faintly smiled, immediately feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders when you got in his car.
he put the car in drive, "what did he do?"

hawks damn near stopped the car in the middle of the road, "you have got to be fucking kidding me."
"i thought you would've known something." you shrugged, leaning your head against the window as you looked at the city building lights.
"nah, we honestly only talk when it's about filming, rarely anything personal like that. i'm so sorry y/n, i'll beat his ass."
you laughed a bit, "it's okay keigo, he isn't worth it and you still have to work with him."

the rest of the ride was silent besides the faint music playing in the background as you continued to watch the city lights.

there was something so amazing about seeing the city at night, you had forgotten how much you loved it. the city night also put a lot of thoughts in your head, most of them being linked to dabi and why he had to be an idiot and ruin things when they were going well but you really didn't wanna dwell on it for long because that simply wasn't going to do anything for your mood and you didn't wanna keep being upset over something completely out of your control.

you felt hawks put his hand on your thigh, rubbing it in a comforting way, "everything will work itself out."
you sighed, looking at him while you gave him a weak smile and put your hand on top of his, "i sure hope so."

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now