𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞

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you woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and felt even better when you checked your phone and saw it was saturday morning, you didn't have anything planned until you opened your messages and saw dabi had greeted your good morning and told you to get cute for the day. specifically, wear a skirt or dress because he had planned a whole day for the two of you.

it was cute but you were still a bit uneasy about it because of how he had treated you just a few weeks ago when this whole thing had first started.

regardless, you texted him back to let him know you'd shoot him a text when you were ready, to which he replied a simple okay to.

now the hard part was finding an outfit. you had no idea what kinda look you wanted to go for since dabi gave you little to no details. you were debating between a green gingham print mini skirt and a spaghetti strap crop top with a light green cropped cardigan or a purple floral mini skirt with a white halter top that was hardly a top at all but the less the better.

after much debating and a bit of back and forth texting with nao, you decided on the green just in case you got cold later on in the day, you figured you'd save the other outfit for another day.

you also decided when you got home from work last night that you'd give your hair a break from the braids so you had installed a ginger colored wig. it was wavy and went a little past your shoulders so all you did was curl it a bit more so the curls would last longer.

last on your list was makeup but you decided to go full face and topped it off with lashes and your fenty lip gloss.

you texted dabi so he could make his way over to your house so you decided to watch hunter x hunter because that insect arc is currently kickin your ass but you were halfway through another episode when dabi was banging on your door like he the damn police and scared the shit out of you.

you hopped up from your place on the couch and swung the door open with a hand on your hip, "why are you banging on my door like you the police?" you questioned, barely able to get your question out because this man looked so damn fine.

he had on a white short sleeve button up which had the top few buttons undone so his chest was a bit exposed tucked into a pair of black jeans with a black belt, white forces and some silver jewelry.

"i know you fuckin lyin."
he cocked his head to the side, a smirk forming on his lips, "what baby?"
"you didn't come to my house looking this fine, you just knew this is how i'd react, huh?"
shrugging, he pulled you in for a kiss, "you look amazing, perfect for what i have planned for us so lets get going."

you pulled away from him, grabbing your purse so you could lock up your apartment and follow behind dabi to his audi.

"so are you gonna tell me where we're going?" you asked dabi after about ten minutes of driving.
he sucked his teeth at you, shaking his head, "you're just so curious, too bad im not telling you. we'll be there soon and i think you're gonna love it so just sit back and relax."

his hand found its way to your bare thigh, gripping it a bit which instantly gave you butterflies and you felt yourself relaxing under his touch so you decided to play some of your music. grabbing his phone out of the center console you unlocked it and went to the music app but as you were shuffling tryna find a song you saw a message pop up from a name with hearts which made you freeze up momentarily but you regrouped and continued looking for a song. the day hasn't even started and you didn't feel like ruining it right now.

after what felt like forever you finally arrived at your destination and saw it was a strawberry field, "no way." happily getting out the car and grabbing dabis open hand, the both of you made your way to the entrance where you grabbed two small bins for you guys to put your strawberries in.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now