𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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although you loved the time you spent this weekend with the two boys, your body was exhausted and in desperate need of a break.

once you said your goodbyes to hawks and dabi and the driver had taken you back to your apartment complex, you called up nao as you were unlocking your door, putting her on speakerphone you laughed to yourself when she answered, "oh finally you call me, i thought these men wrecked your body or some shit."
"well bitch, they did!" you exclaimed while you put your bags down on the floor and plopped down onto your bed, spreading your arms and legs out, "let's go get massages and have a girls day while i tell you about how wrecked my body is."

getting a massage and having a girls day wasn't actually on your list of things to do, you planned on laying in bed all day doing a shit ton of nothing, maybe watching netflix but nothing more than that until hawks had surprised you with an appointment at the spa by your house for you and nao.

you were also surprised to hear this had been dabi's idea which made you wonder if he was growing a soft spot for you but you didn't let the thoughts linger in your mind for too long before you decided you wanted to take another shower before heading to the spa.

"oooh, count me in! i'll be right over!" you couldn't even respond before nao had hung up the phone, shaking your head and laughing you reluctantly got up from your spot on your bed, dragging your feet across the soft carpet in your room to the cold hardwood in your bathroom.

just as you had turned off the shower water, there was knocking on your door which you assumed could only be nao.

you quickly made your way to the door, adjusting your towel to make sure it wouldn't fall off your body as you were met with your best friend, "you ain't even dressed?" she looked you up and down as you moved to the side so she could enter your apartment.

"well miss girl with the weekend i had, i need all the showering i can fuckin get." you said to her laughing as a smile crept onto her face, "and you're finna tell me all about!"

you were face down on the massage table as the masseuse was tearing your back up but you really needed it because you could only imagine how tense your body was so thank god dabi was using his brain when he and hawks blessed you with this surprise.

the more you were relaxing, the more you were thinking about your feelings for the two boys.

hawks was an amazing guy and you were so comfortable with him but something about him reminded you of someone and you just couldn't put your finger on it yet. while dabi on the other hand was just hot as fuck but he seemed so closed off sometimes which you honestly liked because you could tell he had his more tender side and when he would show that side, you loved it. you didn't wanna catch feelings for either of them but the way they were living in your head rent free, it seemed like it was happening.

"y/n?" you heard nao call you, pulling you out of your thoughts. you directed your head to hers, "is it mani-pedi time?" you tried to play off the fact that you were wrapped up in your thoughts as you sat up from the table, wrapping the robe around you as you hopped down onto your feet.

going back and forth between a pale yellow or basic white, but you decided to do white with yellow hearts while nao decided on a cute pink french tip set with some butterfly details.

"what should we eat?" nao asked once you guys were back in the car.

it was barely one in the afternoon so you guys still had the whole day ahead of you but you had so much more you wanted to do.

"what about cheesecake factory? i could go for some of their pasta and avocado egg rolls."
as soon as the words left your mouth, nao was immediately agreeing with you and you were already putting the car in drive to get this show on the road.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now