𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐞

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you woke up the next morning in an oversized shirt and neither of the two boys from last night by your side.

sitting up you threw the covers off of you as you swung your legs off the bed, slightly slower than usual due to the soreness of your lower body and onto the cold hardwood floor, the coolness sending a shiver up your spine. you looked for your bag, rummaging through it to find a pair of fuzzy socks, smiling to yourself once you had found them and slipped them onto your feet.

you made your way to the kitchen, seeing the two boys talking amongst themselves.

"morning beautiful." hawks greeted you with a smile while dabi gave you a quick nod, looking you up and down, "i like the socks." you smiled at him, "the floor is so cold, what time is it?" you asked as you took a seat at the breakfast nook.
"almost noon."

you blinked in disbelief, we weren't up that late...were we?

you thought about the events of last night and realized it might've been around 2 in the morning when you passed out, not only were you sleepy but your body was definitely in need of the rest as well. you still had the rest of the weekend with the two of them and there was no way you planned on sleeping through most of the time with them.

"we should go out to dinner tonight, all three of us." dabi suddenly said, pulling you out of your thoughts. you looked at him as he was taking a sip of his water, and goddamn did he look good shirtless with a pair of grey sweats sitting low on his hips.
"im down for that, what about you hawks?" you looked at the blonde boy.
"down for anything if you're involved." he winked at you.
"gross, ill make the reservation." dabi walked out of the room, leaving you alone with hawks.

a few moments of silence passed until you both heard the bedroom door close, "i think he has a thing for you." hawks spat out.
your eyebrows furrowed at him, "he don't even know me?"
"besides the point, he's never that easily irritable when i flirt with girls but ever since the night at the club i've been noticing it even more. he'll randomly bring you up sometimes too and i don't have a problem with it but for him, it's kinda outta pocket."

you thought about hawks' words...dabi feeling you and being jealous? maybe this would be fun to explore.

"what if we make him jealous?" you questioned.
hawks raised his eyebrow at you, "how do you suppose we do that?"
you rested your chin on your hand, "i guess we'll figure it out tonight, i think the club after dinner would be a fun way to see how jealous he can really be."
"i like the way you think."

hours had passed and dabi hadn't come out of the room, you were starting to wonder why so you decided to go check on him.

slowly making your way to the room, turning the knob and opening the door, you peaked around before fully entering. the shower water was running and you guessed dabi had decided to take a shower until you saw the bathroom door was cracked and dabi was in fact not taking no damn shower.

you had a direct view of him from where you were standing, his hand resting on the shower wall with one hand in front of him, his back muscles flexing with every movement he made. you felt the heat between your thighs rising but with how sore you were there was no way you could fuck him, as badly as you wanted to you just knew your body would hate you for it.

quietly shutting the door to the room you made your way over to the bathroom, a smile on your face as you pushed the door open. dabi still hadn't noticed your appearance until he looked up seeing you naked with your shirt on the floor on the other side of the glass shower door which brought a lazy smirk to his face.

he slid the glass door open, "you're such a little slut, coming in here while im jacking myself off."
"how was i suppose to know you'd be doing all this? you haven't came out the room for fucking hours, i was worried." you replied, sitting on the cold toilet seat.
"show me how worried you were then."
you shook your head at him, "no can do, ill show you what you were missing all these hours you wanted to go mia."

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now