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your trip has finally come to an end and you were feeling a bit sad but at the same time you missed your own bed.

"are you ready to be back home?" hawks asked as you were packing up your bags.
"yeah honestly, i wanna relax in my own bed."
he nodded in agreement, you shot him a look, "you don't even relax in your own bed, you're always in mine!"
"yeah, because what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine."
"get me a ring first and maybe i'll consider that to be true."
the look in his eyes told you that he was already two steps ahead of you and you were a bit nervous.

he kissed your forehead before heading into the bathroom to gather a few more things but now you were just dwelling on what his next plan of action was.

after about an hour, hawks brought down your bags and you had hoped the other two had their things packed and ready to go to the airport.
"are we ready?" you called up the stairs to nao and sero but you didn't hear a response back so you decided to check on them to make sure they actually heard you.

you tried turning the doorknob but the door was locked with music blasting and you already knew what was going on.

you banged on the door, "yall needa be finished in the next thirty minutes, we got a flight to catch!"

you shook your head, laughing as you walked away and back down the stairs to hawks.

"they're fuckin" you said to hawks, plopping down on the couch.
he raised an eyebrow at you, "maybe we should too."
you laughed, "nope, because then we'll all be missing the flight and i miss my bed too much for that shit."
he pouted knowing there was no changing your mind.
"worth a shot."

the two of you laughed, scrolling on your phones and making mindless conversation, waiting for the two others to come down the stairs.

after about exactly thirty minutes, they were coming down the stairs. acting as if nothing had happened but you could tell how tired the both of them were.

"i'm sorry!" nao said, making her way towards you, "he was looking way too good and i just folded." she wrapped her arms around you and you patted her back, laughing.
"it happens to the best of us. now let's go!"

it only took about thirty minutes to get to the airport and from there it was smooth sailing. it wasn't a busy time of year so you all checked in your bags and got through tsa rather quickly, leaving lots of time to grab a bite before the flight. 

"everything sounds so good." nao announced, looking at the food places near the gate.
"it's hard to decide what to get." you said.
"whatever your heart desires." hawks replied, not looking up from his phone. 

it's funny, no matter how distracted you thought he was, he always paid the most attention to you. you loved that.

after a few more minutes of debating, you all made your way to one of the restaurants to get some food to go. 

you ate in silence and you could really just tell everyone was ready to be back home. this trip was amazing but being somewhere other than your home can be a bit draining.

the only thing you weren't ready for was the conversation hawks had waiting for you when you guys would be back home.

"home sweet home!" nao said while you guys were waiting outside of the airport for your ride.
"great to be back." you smiled, not realizing truly how much you missed your city.

the ride back to your house wasn't too long since you guys were making endless conversation. planning more dates and trips together, which you were very excited about. you felt your cheeks hurting too much from all the smiling and laughing you had been doing. 

the driver pulled up to your place, "well this is us. text me when you're home nao! and don't forget." you cut your eye at her, knowing she will most likely forget.
"i'll remind her." sero smiled, wrapping his arm around her.
you nodded and closed the door.
"ready?" hawks asked with all of the bags around him.
"yeah, let me help. there's too much shit for you to do it all on your own." 

you carried the bags up the millions of stairs and finally made it to the elevator. you clicked your floor number and waited.

"you know i'm gonna marry you right?"
your eyes widened, "what?"

just then, the elevator door opened but you were too surprised to walk.

hawks grabbed your arm, pulling you and the rest of the bags in the elevator with him.

"you're so surprised as if you didn't know i wanted to do that already."
you pouted, "but it's different hearing you actually say it."
"you're so cute." he kissed your forehead, "i hope you'll still be this surprised when i propose."
"stop! keigo, you're making me anxious." you smiled a bit.

you wanted nothing more than to end up happily with keigo. he treated you amazing and you never had to question anything in your relationship, but you just hoped this meant he would never be filming with dabi again.

"ugh, i don't even wanna unpack." you sighed, sitting down on the couch to take off your shoes.
"i'll do it all." hawks said simply.
"no, that's too much. i have so much shit from this trip and most of it needs to be washed anyways."
he shrugged, "that's fine, just let me help you."
"but, one more thing, baby," he started, "i wont be filming with dabi anymore. he texted me yesterday and we figured it'd be best to part ways and do our filming separately."

you were surprised. more than surprised, actually. the woman was too stunned to speak practically.

"is it because of me?"
"yes and no. the chemistry dabi and i had in the beginning was fading already and brining you into the picture made it go  away completely. both of us being in love with you really wasn't good. and after he did all that, i think he just started to feel really guilty and decided it'd be best to part ways."
you let out a breath, "okay, yeah, that makes perfect sense actually. maybe we should start streaming." you smiled.
"oh yeah right, i wouldn't even last long enough for that. you get me way too fucking horny."
you laughed because he was right, there had definitely been times where things happened so fast because he would cum way too fast, but you secretly loved it.

"okay okay, moving on, let's just relax and worry about unpacking later. i wanna take a nap." 
"as you wish baby." he laid out on the bed, arms open to welcome you into them and you gladly laid next to him. you smiled as you cuddled into his chest, his husky scent filling your nose. 

he was your home and you never wanted that to change.

authors note
hii, ill be posting the epilogue in a bit <3

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