𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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you honestly didn't remember how much you drank or how you got home but hawks was next to you so you assumed you probably begged him to stay with you because you had missed him and his goofy self more than you wanted to let on.

stretching your arms out once you untangled yourself from him you made your way to the bathroom and took a look at yourself. your make up was taken off, hair wrapped up, pjs on and honestly you were wondering if hawks really did all of this or you somehow sobered up enough to do it yourself.

you were so in awe that you didn't even realize hawks was standing at the door, shirtless and just admiring you.

"holy shit, you scared me." you said to him, trying your best to not look anywhere but his golden eyes.

"good moring to you too." he smiled, "i did everything for you last night, in case you were wondering. you were a little too drunk and i figured id help you out so you wouldn't regret anything in the morning."

you smiled back at him, thankful that he already knew how you'd feel in the morning if you didn't do your routine, "thanks, i appreciate that. wheres nao?"
"oh, one of your friends took her home, i think his name was sero."

at least she was in good hands but also still very surprised sero came to help out because we both haven't seen him since the party a few weeks ago.

"well that's good you didn't let her go with some random." you laughed.
"never, i always make sure you guys are in good hands, which is how you ended up here with me." he smiled as he made his way over to where you were standing in the bathroom, wrapping his arms around your waist and digging his head into the crook of your neck.

you were getting a feeling, one completely different from how you felt with dabi. hawks made you feel secure because he always wore his heart on his sleeve and that's one thing you loved about him, even though you always knew he had been interested it seems as though nothing has changed from the first time you guys had talked.

"we should get breakfast." you said after a few moments of silence.
"whatever you want, order it." he said, not moving from his place behind you.
"and how am i supposed to do that if you're stuck to me hawks?"
"figure it out." you could feel his smile against your skin which made you smile as well.

you started to walk out of the bathroom and hawks still hadn't let you go but instead, he was groaning like you had disrupted his comfortable position but all you did was laugh.

you scrolled through door dash to figure out what you wanted to eat, finally deciding on a local spot nearby that did delivery. you ordered all your favorites along with some things that hawks had wanted as well.

you guys decided to lay down while you waited for the food, talking aimlessly amongst each other, "what else are we gonna do today?" you said to him, rolling over so you had an arm and a leg draped over him.
"hmm..." he thought for a moment, "i kinda need a haircut." he played with the ends of his hair.

you had now noticed that the back was getting a bit long as it was almost touching his shoulders.
"you sure you dont wanna keep your inches?" you teased him.
"yeah, nah, this shit gotta go." he laughed, "lemme see if my barbers free later, and then maybe after that we can go to an arcade?"
you nodded in agreement, "sounds like a date." and you swear you saw his eyes light up as soon as the words left your mouth.

once your food had arrived, the two of you quickly dug in as you watched one of stephanie soo's newest mukbangs. something about eating while watching someone else eat and tell stories just truly hit different and you were so glad that hawks was willing to enjoy that with you as well.

"my haircut is in an hour and a half, did you wanna come with me or should i come back to get you?"
"come back and get me, gives me more time to get myself all cute for you." you winked to him.
"you're always cute to me." he replied, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before you could shove him away.
"oh, dont flatter me now."
"im only speakin the truth!" he smiled, taking a bite of his food.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now