𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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"i've been trying to avoid him since he cheated on you and then all of a sudden he shows up here and with the girl he did everything with too like he's just such an idiot!" hawks said walking into the bedroom and sitting on the bed.

you could tell how frustrated he was by the way he kept racking his hands through his hair.

you bent down in between his legs, putting your hands on his thighs to balance yourself, "hey, don't get mad over him, he isn't worth it. it was sadly bound to happen but fuck him, he's gonna live his silly little life and we'll live ours. you haven't seen him in weeks and neither have i, so it doesn't matter, baby."

he sighed looking down at you, placing his hands on either side of your face to cup your cheeks, "you're amazing, i love you. i've been holding that in but the way you comfort me and ease my mind so effortlessly, it was hard to keep it in for much longer."
"and i love you. you make everything so easy, so effortless as well. the way you spoil me, fuck me, so attentive to my feelings and needs, i love it."

he leaned down, kissing your forehead which made you instantly smile.

he made his way down to your lips and the both of you moaned at the contact, "you barely touch me and i'm horny, how is that possible?" you joked with him.
"guess i got that magic touch." he smirked.
"oh, shut up." you smiled and kissed him again before you got up to stand to your feet, still in between his legs.

he stood up as well, placing a hand around your throat lightly, lips so close to yours, you thought he was gonna kiss you. "on the bed, baby."
your brows furrowed but you climbed on the bed, laying flat on your back.
"how do you want it?" he climbed on the bed as well to hover over you.
"i want you to make love to me."

he leaned his face down to your neck, leaving a few kisses down the side and you were already squirming under his touch.

you felt his hot breath, making his way to your lips. he hesitated for a moment before he planted a kiss but before he could pull away, you grabbed him and deepened the kiss. you felt his tongue slip into your mouth and you couldn't help but let out a slight moan.

he slipped the straps of your dress off your shoulders so he could push it down below your breasts but his lips never left yours until he was lightly blowing down your skin, making his way to your already sensitive nipples.

he traced his tongue over both of them but then focused on the left one while he rubbed the other in between his fingers, uncontrollable moans were escaping your lips from how good his mouth felt so when he stopped you were a bit sad until you felt your dress being taken off your body completely.

"keigo-" you called out to him but sucked in a breath when you felt his cold fingers on your clit, moving up and down between your folds.
"let me take care of you baby." he kissed right above your clit, making his way down and finally sucked on it while he slipped a finger into you.

your hands gripped the sheets as you screwed your eyes shut from all of the pleasure happening at once. the feeling of his mouth and fingers was too much, your body was so sensitive and you wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment forever.

"open your eyes, baby." he said before putting his mouth back onto your clit, you could barely focus on him since your orgasm was quickly approaching but you still did your best to obey his command.

he added another finger as he sped up the pace of his pumping. your hands gripped his hair, causing him to let out a soft growl against you which set you over the edge.

"please keigo, i'm gonna cum." you were barely able to get it out between your moans.

he didn't say anything but instead his tongue became faster, movements were longer, lapping you up from top to bottom and your body was spazzing from all the pleasure as you came over tongue.

𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, dabixhawksWhere stories live. Discover now