Chapter 13: Principal Nezu

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Down the hall, you were navigating the halls roaming with students, trying to find the office Principal Nezu was in.

Eventually, you found your way there, thanks to a little help from one of the students. They were nice. You were half expecting more judgement since you looked so different from them but then again, at a hero academy, the diversity was no joke.

"Ah, Y/N!! Please, come in."

The short principal was sitting at his large desk, waving you in. You closed the door behind you, glancing around the room curiously. It was pretty big but it was modest. He had some artwork on the walls and you could only guess that they were from some of his students.

It would be weird if it was from his staff instead.

You bowed respectfully. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, sir."

"Oh, not at all!!" The chimera exclaimed, waving a paw to ease your worries. "I wanted a chance to talk to you and now, here you are!!"

He hopped out of his chair, coming around to sit next to you instead of across from you. At your questioning gaze, he explained himself.

"For conversations like these, I believe it's more beneficial to create an environment where you feel comfortable rather than maintaining my status." Nezu elaborated cheerfully, smiling when your expression cleared in understanding and gratitude. "Now, Aizawa has informed me of your situation but I would like to hear it from you, if you don't mind."

Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you told him everything you had told Aizawa and Ojiro, recalling it with perfect clarity. This past week had been wonderful with people so accepting it felt like you were going to pass out anytime one of them did something out of the ordinary for you and you had to remind yourself that this was all temporary, that you wouldn't be allowed to have it permanently.

"Unfortunately, the agreement that Aizawa signed makes you his foster child and while there are regulations in place to protect you, it is not a permanent solution." Nezu told you sympathetically and you hung your head, none of this news to you.

"You will need a capable guardian to take care of you." He continued and you bristled, just barely holding back from snarling at the implication.

"I can take care of myself." You seethed through clenched teeth, the hair on the back of your neck rising. "I've lived on the streets before. I can do it again if I have to."

If he was offended by the bite in your tone, he didn't show it. Rather, he set his paws in his lap, folding them neatly.

"I did not mean any offense." He reassured you easily.

You sighed, ears drooping as if you had been scolded. "I know, I'm sorry, sir."

"It's quite alright, you have been through quite a lot." He said, patting your knee comfortingly. "Do you have any living relatives? Someone who has a stable home and can take proper care of you?"

You shook your head sadly. "None that I know of, sir."

Your mother had been an only child and your father didn't grow up with the rest of his siblings. If there were any, they certainly didn't know about you. Your family was... complicated.

Sadness flashed across Nezu's expression and he cleared his throat. "Would you like me to see if I can find a guardian for you so you don't have to go to an orphanage until you turn of age?"

Ears perking up at the hopeful possibility, your eyes brightened considerably. You knew you were a minor and that you weren't allowed certain freedoms until you reached that age. To have someone you could fall back on until then was an idea you never thought feasible for you.

"Sir?" Your voice shook with excitement, as if you couldn't believe what he was offering you.

The principal laughed slightly as your tail began thumping on the chair, giving away your excitement. "They will have to pass all the requirements, of course, before they are considered eligible but I believe I already know who will be the best fit for you."

"Would..." You swallowed hesitantly, curbing your nervousness to get the question out. "Would they want someone like me?"

A wolf. A rare quirk that came with trouble. A hybrid who wasn't actually supposed to exist. Not to mention your endless amounts of energy and your proneness to knocking things over.

"Oh yes, fear not, Y/N." Principal Nezu said and something in his voice just caused you to be set at ease. "The person I have in mind will undoubtedly love you without fail, I just believe they will need a bit of a push. Let me see what I can do but in the meantime, you are allowed to visit UA whenever you'd like."

You were speechless. For him to already have someone in mind shocked you. "T-Thank you, sir."

He hummed, hopping off the chair and making his way back to behind his desk. "You will need your own room, you may stay at Heights Alliance for the time being."

"Oh but—" You grimaced, unsure if you were allowed to protest his generosity.

Nezu paused, placing the key that he had gotten out of the drawer on his desk and motioned for you to say what was on your mind.

"I... I kind of like staying with Ojiro-kun, if that's alright." You mumbled, playing with your tail nervously.

You didn't fully understand your attachment to him but you felt safe around him. Safer than you had felt all the years of your life. You wanted to stay by him.

"I do understand. It's part of your animal quirk, you naturally gravitate towards people like that and don't want to leave them but I'm afraid the parents of the students will not be as understanding." Nezu sighed, handing you the small key for your new room.

You took it with a nod of thanks, standing up with a heavy heart. Dragging your feet towards the door, it felt like the weight of the world had just been placed on your shoulders. You didn't know what you were going to do.

You felt... lost.

Nezu cleared his throat, halting you in your tracks. "That being said, there's nothing stopping you from staying with him. After all, I'm sure the students take comfort in each other after all they've been through and your teacher is there to ensure nothing bad happens."

Your eyes widened as you realized what he was telling you. That you needed to have a room to keep up appearances but you didn't need to only stay there.

Mouthing a 'thank you' to him, you took your leave, walking a bit until you found a quiet stop. Clutching your hands over your heart, you willed it to stop beating so hard. You were panting and you were sure that if you were to look in the mirror, you would see flushed cheeks and sweat on your forehead.

You weren't quite sure what just happened but you knew that your future was going to be a lot better than you anticipated.

BNHA: Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now