Chapter 37: Ms. Joke

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He flinched. He knew that voice.

A woman with mint-green hair in her hero costume waved at him enthusiastically. "It's been so long!!"

Shakily, Aizawa turned around and saw the pro-hero known for making villains laugh with her Outburst Quirk, Ms. Joke. An old friend, if he could call her that. No, a colleague seemed more accurate.

Almost as annoying as Yamada.

He buried his face further into his capture weapon as she approached him. Maybe she would go away if he ignored her long enough.

Fukukado flicked a finger back and forth between them and Class 1-A watched in confusion at the stranger's sudden appearance. "Let's get married."

"No thanks." Aizawa retorted dryly.

Ashido was already hooked on this love story, her eyes turning into hearts at such a blatant rejection from her homeroom teacher, already forgetting the impending licensing exam.

Fukukado laughed heartily, doubling over and clutching her stomach. "No thanks?! Good one!!"

Shaking his head, Aizawa stared at her impassively, done with this conversation before it even started. "As always, you've got an unamusing sense of humor, Joke."

"If you married me, we could start a family filled with unbearable laughter and joy." She said with a cheeky smile.

"A family like that can't possibly be happy." Aizawa deadpanned.

She burst out laughing again and Asui smiled, letting go of Kaminari as her nerves calmed down with the ease that her teacher interacted with this woman even though appearing like he was irritated.

"You guys seem pretty close..." The frog girl commented nonchalantly.

"Huh?" You tilted your head, gazing up at the adults curiously as you came wandering back to their ranks, finding your way to your dad's side. "Dad, I didn't know you were dating someone."

"I'm not!!" He shouted at you, bonking you on the head.

You cried out, rubbing the sore spot forming and pouted. "That hurt!!"

He sighed, then ruffled your hair somewhat apologetically.

"Sorry, kid." He grumbled out shortly and you beamed.

"It's okay!!" You cheered, good mood restored.

"Aww, Eraser!!" Fukukado cooed at you. "She's so cute!!!

You squeaked in surprise when she pinched your cheeks, blinking up at her, puzzled and a little intimidated by her outgoing personality. When she released your face, you darted behind your dad's back, poking your head out to inspect the strange woman.

"Emi, knock it off." Aizawa glowered, glaring at her.

Everyone else was just watching, jaws dropped in shock at such a ridiculous and chaotic exchange. They didn't know what to make of it.

The spunky pro-hero wasn't deterred in the slightest, going as far as to drag you out from behind him and hug you. "But Eraser!! She's adorable!!"

Aizawa practically hissed, but he backed off when you didn't seem to mind it. You didn't look uncomfortable, just mildly curious and very interested.

"How do you know Aizawa-sensei?" You asked, echoing the unspoken question that was going through every single person in 1-A's head.

It felt weird calling him that now since he had taken you in for good but hey, it was the most respectful way to address him in front of his potential partner. You still weren't fully convinced that this woman wasn't secretly dating him.

"We had hero agencies near each other!!" Fukukado laughed brightly, placing her hands on her hips and grinning brightly at the other students. "We'd help each other out, coming to each other's rescues. Eventually, our mutual love turned into—"

"That never happened." Aizawa interrupted, narrowing his eyes at her as if looks alone could shut her up and get her to stop spinning this tale.

It never changed no matter how much time had passed. His glare had never worked on her. Of course he knew it wasn't going to do anything now but it didn't hurt to try.

You were practically preening at all the attention Fukukado was giving you now as you warmed up to her endless amounts of energy, eagerly hanging onto her every word as she told you of the adventures the two of them used to go on when they were younger.

Eventually, she called her class over and they introduced themselves to your friends while you drew back to Aizawa's side.

You waved goodbye to Ojiro as you found him in the crowd and wished him good luck as he left to go ready, the two of you heading in opposite directions once Ms. Joke sent off her own students.

Ojiro sent you a smile and promised that he would do his best before Ashido came to drag him away.

But not before teasing him how he couldn't stand to be apart from you.

He ignored her for the most part, looking the other way before she could catch a glimpse of his smile. If he had to deal with her for the entirety of the test, he was going to be screwed. It was already going to be distracting enough knowing that you were watching him in the stands.

Ojiro pushed it in the back of his mind for now. Test first. He had to get past this first.

Down the corridor leading into where the exam would be taking place, you skipped ahead of Aizawa despite his best attempt to stop you from going too far, dashing into the rows and rows of seats overlooking the huge arena.

Eyes rounding in awe, your lips parted in astonishment at the setting, filled with all sorts of different terrain and a box in the middle of it that looked kind of awkward amongst the mountains, factories, and made-made rivers.

"This is so cool!!!!" You cheered, jumping up and down as Aizawa and Fukukado caught up to you.

Other than a handful of other teachers and chaperones, there didn't seem to be anyone else here. You assumed that was due to being only the homeroom teachers needed to attend for the first and second years, since the third years could probably handle the transportation all on their own.

Aizawa let you pick out where you wanted to sit, following you as you finally settled down somewhere in the mid-range that would give you a good view of all the arenas.

You bounced in your seat eagerly as you waited for the test to start.

"Aw Eraser, look!! She's so excited!!" Fukukado exclaimed, pinching your cheek as she took the other seat next to you.

You whined as she tugged on your cheek again, batting her hand away as you curled up on Aizawa's side for comfort.

His eyes went wide as you snuggled into him but he didn't push you off. He rolled his eyes when Ms. Joke continued to pester him with questions. Where you came from, how old you were, what your quirk allowed you to do.

She was way too curious about all of it and he didn't find it nearly as endearing as he did with you.

Your eyes lit up when the center box in the building finally opened up and Fukukado ceased her relentless questions, revealing all of the heroes-in-training and you were on the edge of your seat as the licensing exam began.

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