Chapter 54: Storming the Base

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The undercity was no joke. There was a reason why most pros freshly graduated stuck to the limelight and flashy pro-hero world rather than the underground.

Because this is where the most horrific crimes happened.

Even Ms. Joke with her students and several others hailing from Ketsubutsu Academy couldn't find humor in such a dark situation. Even the normally energetic Camie and boisterous Yoarashi were subdued, expressions reflecting the grimness of the situation as they plastered themselves to Todoroki and Bakugou the second UA met them at the rendezvous point. But they weren't alone.

The Quirk Traffickers were much more organized than they originally thought, and many of the bases all across the country had set their roots in deep. Deeper than Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai group. More dangerous than the League of Villains.

Not just within Musutafu's district, but across all of Japan heroes joined forces and vigilantes joined alliances. What started out as a low-level operation quickly scaled into one of the largest joint missions in all of history.

Aizawa was nervous, but not about that. He just wanted to get his kids back, safe and sound.

Keeping in mind that most of the students with him were inexperienced in real world combat, he had to trust their training and that his fellow colleagues would be enough.

Stealth wasn't Kayama's, Yamada's, Miruko's, Fatgum's or Hawk's strong suit, but they made it work.

Silently, the large group crept along the vacant corridor in formation.

Steady footsteps treading with purpose and deadly intent. Iida's expression was shadowed, but his stance was unyielding. He would not make the same mistakes he had before. His classmates' safety and the people victimized would come first and he would deal with the bloodthirst he was feeling later on. He could not let it out here. That would make him the same person who foolishly took on Stain.

As long as he kept his head on right and his consciousness clear, he could do this. He had learned a great deal. And he intended to see this mission through.

Hagakure had long vanished, trailing after Miruko as she took out the guards by the entrance they used to sneak into the underground labyrinth, the invisible girl tasked with watching the pro's back. Bakugou's usual scowl had been replaced by a twisted sneer that promised vengeance to anyone who crossed him.

Gran Torino, Edgeshot, Midnight, Mic, and Vlad King surrounded the students in a protective circle.

And at the front of them all, Ojiro led the charge. With bated breath and the knot in his stomach tensing as they walked into unknown danger, he kept moving forward.

Red feathers rustled alongside the plethora of hero students. The only indication that anything was amiss in the dark undercity.

A few feathers vibrated in warning.

Aizawa whipped out his capture weapon, wrapping it around white knuckles.

"Stay low, don't get spotted. I expect all of you to stay in groups of three at all times." Aizawa instructed, wishing more than anything that the students of his hell class would just once, stay behind on missions like these. Even though they had gone over the strategies, emergency exits and rendezvous points, these were his kids. He pointedly glared at them, as if he could instill any more fear in them than he did at the start of the year. "If you can't win, then run. Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki. Your communicators are there for a reason. Iida, mind yourself just as much as your classmates."

Midoriya laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with the hand that still had yet to fully heal from his latest villain encounter. Bakugou looked on the verge of snapping back, but Todoroki nodded coolly, catching the explosive boy's hood and dragging him along before he got a chance to retort.

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