Part two and Epilogue

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Annabeth smiled in relief as she hugged Percy's head before the demigod tried to get up stumbling a bit before Poseidon steadied him as he shot a light green beam into Percy's chest, his tanned skin returning to normal. 

Theseus and Achilles turned to each other and embraced before Achilles pulled back. "What was your theory back at camp?"

Theseus looked confused before saying loudly enough for all to hear. "My theory was the reason was Percy was so easily corrupted by Tartarus using hate and anger was because his fatal flaw was betrayed in his mind, leaving his whole grip on life unhinged. In better terms he was dead emotionally." 

Annabeth put her forehead on Percy's. "I am so sorry." 

Percy smiled softly before breaking the connection. "I am too, I have spent so long despising you that I don't know if I can ever trust you again." Annabeth went to speak but Percy put his hand up silencing her. "I know it wasn't you, but I spent two hundred years hating you. Give me some time, until than. Friends?" Percy asked. 

Annabeth smiled. "Friends." 

Percy smiled back before a voice yelled. "This is the bastard that killed my family?" 

Percy turned to see a huntress with black hair and brown eyes in front of him before taking her small fist into his jaw as he stumbled back. 

"What the Hades?" Percy muttered as he held his jaw. 

"Zoe! That is enough!" Thalia shouted. 

Recognition flashed in Percy's eyes. "You are my half sister aren't you?" 

Zoe sneered at him. "Biologically yes, but I severed any ties I had with you years ago, all you males are the same. You just want all the women and all the glory. Pig." Zoe spit at Percy's feet. 

Percy smiled sadly. "I miss them so much. I don't blame you for hating me, I didn't want to leave you guys. But I had to, I had to finish what I brought to my family's door. I didn't want glory, I never have. If that is the way you feel, I will respect that. But all I will ask is give me time and I will show you the person I am. 

Zoe's features softened before hardening. "Fine, but don't expect me to change my mind." 

"I wouldn't dream of it." Percy smiled softly. Zoe smiled slightly before turning around and walking away.

~~~ Time skip ~~~

It has been two weeks since the defeat of Tartarus, the immortal demigods were in the courtyard over looking a lake in Olympus. 

"So how are you doing love birds." Percy teased. 

"Apollo is fine, he hasn't left Olympus since we got back and I said we can ease in to it." Achilles admitted a slight tinge on his cheeks.

"Ease into it eh?" Theseus asked. "I guess that is what the kids are calling all of those moans coming from his palace are."

Achilles punched Theseus hard in the shoulder making both sons of Poseidon burst out laughing. 

"You should be talking Theseus, it is better than sitting in the library all day barely talking." Percy laughed. 

Theseus looked at Percy with an eyebrow raised. "Oh so those sneaky make out sessions in this lake with a certain goddess of heartbreak is so much better." 

Percy blushed red as well. "How?" 

"Hank." Theseus responded. 

Percy glared into the lake as a fish popped up looking at Percy innocently. 

I am so sorry my lord. 

"I guess it is time to try fish." Percy growled before jumping into the lake leaving his two brothers laughing as they stared at the setting sun, with out a care in the world.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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