Another Great Prophecy.. Great

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Quote of the Chapter 

"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain."

― James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time

Song of the Chapter

Devil inside ~ CRMNL


After receiving their weapons, the gods and immortal demigods walked as they gave a tour of the camp, a woman came up to the group. She had brown hair, and black eyes. Like Rachel as Percy remembered the woman who was around twenty five, had ink drawings all over her pants, she was wearing an orange camp shirt. Tattoos running rampant over her arms, tattoos of the Minotaur, Medusa and some gods all over her arms. 

"Aleia, it is good to see you again." Jason said kindly as the group exchanged hellos as they introduced everyone. 

"So you guys just have the oracle sitting in your camp?" Theseus asked. 

"Yes, it helps for quests." Nico explained. 

"Back in our day we had to do travel far and wide to talk to the oracle." Achilles said a little miffed that the oracle wasn't closer. 

"So any great prophecies lately?" Percy asked, Aleia's eyes turned green and smoke curled around the feet of the immortal son of Poseidon. 

"Approach seeker and ask." Aleia's voice said as it seemed three of her was speaking at the same time. 

Percy rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath of course he was the subject of the third great prophecy. "Who wants me dead?" 

 "The answers you seek shall be in the East, The Trident shall face the beast. Old Foes shall capture the sea, only for a lost love to release thee." The oracle said as the green smoke dissipated and Aleia fainted, Piper jumped forward and caught the oracle. 

Aleia woke up her voice groggy as she asked. "Was it a good one?" 

"No, it wasn't." Percy said as he stalked away, his anger in the Fates growing. Jason and Nico went to follow their friend but Theseus and Achilles stopped them. 

"An angry Percy is not some one you want to be around, his anger hasn't lessened over the daughter of Athena's betrayal." Achilles warned. 

"It has been two hundred years though." Piper protested. 

"I have a theory." Theseus spoke up, but before he could tell any one what it is the conch horn went of signaling an attack. 

"Come on!" Jason yelled as they all ran towards the hill where they saw a sight that brought hope to every demigod. Percy Jackson back protecting camp half-blood alone, Riptide and his shield acting as an extension of his hands as he ran through the monsters with ease. More kept coming however, a group of monsters rushing to the tree as Peleus snapped some of them up and blew fire on the rest. 

Achilles and Theseus ran towards Percy as a wall of Greeks led by the Ares cabin started smashing their swords against their shields and started chanting as they walked up the hill, in the phalanx. "Percy! Percy! Percy!" They only knew of the legendary son of Poseidon as the three directors of camp spoke of him every year a tribute was built of him as him wiping out a threat by himself dying for it. 

Percy turned back to face the demigods as another wave of monsters ran towards the lone demigod.

"Greeks! Onward to victory, for Olympus!" Percy yelled as the demigods screamed loudly as the reached the Legendary son of Poseidon and put their shields up in time as the monsters collided. 

"Hold!" Percy yelled over the screams of wounded demigods and the sounds of metal on metal. Before Percy shouted. "Push!" 

The demigods in the front pushed forward with their shields as spears and swords shot out cutting the monsters down. They used the strategy for a while longer until Percy could see the end of the monster attack. 

"We have them on the run!" Percy yelled. "Leave none alive!" As the phalanx broke apart, and rushed the monsters who realised to late that they didn't have the numbers they had earlier they tried to retreat but the demigods cut them down. 

The demigods roared their approval as the last monster was cut down, they picked up Percy on their shields and carried him back to camp. Raising him to camp leader once again. 

They dropped him off at his statue that Annabeth had made for him, unbeknownst to the immortal demigod. 

Percy looked at the statue with confusion, before some one in the crowd yelled. "Speech!" 

Percy looked at the young faces uncertain before he set his jaw. "Great work guys, a new war is brewing. We have received the newest great prophecy, a war is coming. I along with two of my friends back from the underworld are going to complete this quest alone, none more will die on my watch!" 

The demigods cheered. 

Percy jumped down shook hands and patted arms till he made his way to Theseus and Achilles who stood with his other three friends. 

"We leave tomorrow. The faster we get this done the better, I am heading to the Poseidon cabin. Theseus obviously you are already welcome there but Achilles I am not sure there is a Thetis cabin." Percy said as he looked questioningly at Jason and the others. 

Who nodded that they did. 

"You still can join us." Percy offered but Achilles shook his head. 

"I have spent to much time with you two already, I am going to see if I have any new brothers or sisters." Achilles said to Percy before turning to Nico. "Can you introduce me?" 

"Of course." Nico nodded before Piper interjected. "I am sure you and Jason want to catch up with Percy if he is willing, I can show both of them where they are staying tonight." 

Percy went to say no but caught a elbow to the ribs by Theseus, before sighing and nodding. 

Jason, Nico and Percy left to catch up while Piper led the other two to the cabins. Eager to talk to new siblings or in Theseus's case to borrow a book from the Athenian cabin to catch up on all world events. Sure he has heard his fair share from a lot of the dead heroes back in that time but unlike Percy he had a love for reading. 

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