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Song of the Chapter

I can't make you love me ~ Dave Thomas JR 

Quote of the Chapter

"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."

― Mark Twain


Theseus was overlooking the ocean, his face full of grief. He had just lost the only father he had known because he made a mistake, instead of raising the white sails to tell his father that he was alive and well we kept his black sails up. Part of his deal in going to King Minos's kingdom was that he raised white sails to show his father he was alive black if he was dead. He was taken out of his thoughts as a feminine voice asked. "What will you do now king of Athens?" 

Theseus looked up and saw the most beautiful woman in his life, her blonde hair in a braid her piercing grey eyes looking at him with curiosity and amusement. Theseus had only had known he had been a demigod for a little while but he wasn't stupid he knew exactly who this was.

He bowed a but before saying. "Lady Athena it is an honour, I plan on reforming the city where elected officials will take care of the city and listen to what the people want. I want everyone to have a say in the country they live in and not just have major decisions made by some one that quite frankly doesn't know them." 

Athena seemed surprised that he recognized her but shook it off as she nodded approvingly at his future plans for the city. "I will be watching your career with great interest Theseus, do not disappoint me." 


It has been a few years since that time Athena and Theseus falling deeper in love as the time passed. Theseus was in the library reading he was set to get married to Phaedra when Athena flashed in. Theseus smiled but Athena did not return it, he shot her a confused look. 

"I am a goddess Theseus, you are mortal. This can't happen anymore, you are going to get married and I am forever sworn to be a maiden." Athena said coldly. 

"But Athena, I love you Phaedra is just a means to an end. You are the one I love, don't leave me please." Theseus begged. 

"I wish you the best of luck King of Athens." Athena said coldly, Theseus grabbed her arm which she violently ripped out of his hand. "I am an Olympian and you are mere mortal, never touch me again and I will show you the meaning of regret." Athena hissed as she disappeared leaving Theseus alone as he silently wept.

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