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Song of the Chapter

Miss the days ~ NF

Quote of the Chapter

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."

― Tom Bodett


Annabeth was watching Percy, Achilles and Theseus through an Iris message as they flew the air to San Francisco towards the Titan stronghold. She has been watching for a while, tracking their movements, trying to find the right moment to tell Percy what happened. 

How she was being framed and how there was no way in Hades that she would ever cheat on the love of her life, she was one of the luckiest people in the world to find her soul mate. He jumped into the worst place in the world just to because she was there, she knew there was nothing he wouldn't have done for her and her for him. They were a perfect match, a match Aphrodite had said rarely comes around. Annabeth smiled slightly as she saw Percy smile at something one of the two others said, her heart beat a little faster. 

Suddenly the three got serious as Percy and BlackJack landed with Achilles and Theseus close behind them. The three carefully walked towards the mountain, their weapons drawn as they studied their surroundings, all of them tense as they felt something. 

Annabeth watched on bated breath, until some one cleared their throat behind her. She swiped the message getting rid of it as she turned to see her mother with a stoic expression on her face. 

"What are you doing Annabeth?" The goddess asked her favoured daughter. 

"Uhm nothing mom." Annabeth lied before asking. "What are you doing here?" 

"Just checking on my daughter, it cannot be easy knowing Perseus is back and you can't talk to him. I should know." Athena replied a trace of sadness at the end.

"What do you mean mother?" Annabeth questioned. 

Athena studied her daughter, she had planned on giving Perseus her blessing to be with her daughter after he finished the quest he was on for her, she knew the boy was special but it hurt her as well. She knew what the sons of Poseidon were capable of when it came to matters of the heart. After all Theseus was one of her first loves as well. 

"Nothing, don't worry about it Annabeth." Athena lied but Annabeth narrowed her eyes. 

"Mother. Come on." Annabeth pleaded. 

Athena glared at her daughter before softening after Annabeth matched her glare. "You are not the only one affected by resurrection of the heroes of old.  Apollo and I were in love with Theseus and Achilles, as well. Resume your Iris message of the quest, I wish to watch as well." 

Annabeth took in the information before nodding slowly. 


Percy was staring into the woods, he knew monsters were watching his brothers and himself. Noticing how tense they were he knew they felt it too. 

"Careful brothers, this is going to be tough." Theseus muttered quietly the two nodded, as their eyes scanned the woods around them before a roar was heard as dozens of cyclops came out of the woods growing as they lumbered towards the immortal demigods, there was at least fifty of them. The brothers charged forward their speed giving them an advantage over the lumbering, dimwitted cyclops. 

They cut down twenty five of them before Percy was hit hard in the back sending him flying through the air and crashing into two of the Cyclops, softening his landing. 

"Percy!" Theseus yelled, as he watched his brother fly through the air. He looked fine as Percy sat up shaking his head to clear it as he stabbed the two cyclops before they could get up before looking at what hit him as he paled. 

Perses, Pallas and Kronos stood before them smirking. 

"it is over demigods. Give up." Kronos said smugly. 

The three brothers stood together as they glanced at each other, they knew thirty cyclops was hard enough to kill but adding some of the most powerful Titans into the mix was just suicide. 

The three threw their weapons on the ground.

"Good choice, Jackson. I want to spend some quality time with my favourite grandson before my master will have a word with you first." Kronos spat as two cyclops grabbed each of the demigods leading them to the top of the mountain. When they got to the top they were tossed into a celestial bronze cage, but Kronos grabbed Percy and pulled him into another room. 

"I wonder how Percy is going to hold up." Theseus said worriedly as Achilles tried to find a way out. 

"I am sure he will be fine." Achilles said before they heard a bloodcurdling scream. 

Both demigods shot to their feet as they were looking worriedly at where the sound came from. 


Perseus was panting as Kronos pulled the dagger out of his shoulder, he threw the dagger down as he started to punch Percy in the stomach and chest. He was chained to a wall with his arms spread out, he kept punching until finally he was yanked back roughly. 

"Who dares?" Kronos snarled but when he looked at his attacker he paled. 

"Lord Aether. What are you doing?" Kronos asked. 

Aether shot Kronos a glare as he looked at the Titan king on the ground. "Your master wants him unharmed, those were his orders you idiot. I have no idea what my siblings were thinking when they made you morons. Perseus Jackson is going to meet him now." 

Aether than turned to Perseus before firing a bolt of light at the demigod who flinched he was expected to be in pain but to his surprise he felt a fuzzy warmth as he felt his broken ribs heal, and the wound in his shoulder heal up as he felt brand new.

"Why?" Percy asked the primordial of light.

"Because it was requested by an old friend of yours." Aether replied as he snapped his fingers as the chains holding Percy disappeared. "Come with me demigod." 

Aether turned on his heel and walked out, Percy following him. 

"Your master wishes to speak to you, but first you must know that he is not who you think." Aether warned. 

Percy's eyes narrowed. "Tartarus has been nothing but helpful to me, why would you say that." 

"He captured my wife, he won't let her leave Tartarus. He asked for you so I took you, I did not think Kronos would do that, my apologies." 

"Yea well I am his favourite." Percy said rolling his eyes. 

"OK, I am going to summon Tartarus as that is the only way he can come out of Tartarus and I cannot enter his domain. I need you to cut your palm open so he can come, he needs a blood sacrifice." Aether explained as he handed Percy a celestial bronze knife, Percy took it and did as Aether asked as the primordial started chanting in a language Percy did not recognize before he was engulfed in a red light his vision going black.

Aether finished his chant and looked at the immortal demigod warily as he took a deep breath as his eyes snapped open but they were not his usual sea green eyes but pure red glowing with power. 

"Hello brother." Aether said. 

"Aether, I am glad you completed this task." Tartarus said as he settled into his demigod host.

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