Seeing the Family Again

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Song of the Chapter 

All of me ~ Fivefold 

Quote of the Chapter 

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof."

― Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah


"Percy?" The trio asked, the new camp directors for the Greek Half-bloods as Dionysus finished his punishment a century and a half ago. 

"What up guys?" Percy smiled as he held out his arms, the trio rushed into their oldest cousins arms after two hundred years. 

All of them laughing, never thinking they would see each other again, yet against the odds they were together again. Their small family almost whole again. 

"What brings you here Percy? We thought the Olympians were here." Jason asked. 

Percy's mood shifted from the happiest he has been in years to serious, and the three gods felt the cold grasp of fear clench their hearts. "We have came back from the dead as apparently a threat is rising, I was the only one holding them back. We have no idea who it is but we are now immortal and are going to put this threat back where it belongs." 

"You? Immortal?" Piper asked with excitement in her eyes.

Percy gave her a sad smile. "For the moment, the gods told me once I have completed the quest with my brothers, I can return to Elysium." 

The three nodded sadly, before Nico asked. "Are you going to introduce us or shall we do it ourselves?" As he gestured to Theseus and Achilles. 

Percy rolled his eyes. "Sorry I forgot, Nico, Piper and Jason meet Achilles and Theseus." 

The three gasped in awe at the legendary heroes in front of them as they all quickly shook hands. 

Achilles and Theseus had a small smile on their face as they saw Percy happy for the first time in almost fifty years, they have talked to his friends over the years to see what he was like before his death. Over time the newest son of Poseidon was angry at life in general, his friends avoided him like the plague and he didn't speak to his mother or step father in fifty years since their death. He was consumed to be better, to be stronger. 

"Achilles,Theseus?" A familiar voice said behind the six immortals in complete disbelief, the two turned around wondering who could know them after such a long time since their death until they laid eyes on their old teacher, Chiron. 

"Chiron!" The two yelled excitedly as they rushed the centaur, giving him a hug. Owing the man before them their lives as he trained them to be the best of the best. 

"Hello boys, who is your friend?" Chiron asked them politely, happiness that hasn't been in his eyes for two hundred years evident to the three gods that were there with him since they all lost Percy. 

Percy turned around smiling sadly at one of two of his father figures in his life and said. "Chiron, it has been a while." 

Chiron's eyes bulged out, he just saw his centuries long dead pupils but to see Percy Jackson again in the flesh was to much for the immortal centaur to handle, he dropped to his knees. The centaur staring at the one demigod he saw as a son that he never had, the one hero in all of his years teaching the children of the gods he cared about the most other than Annabeth Chase. 

"You as well?" Chiron said as tears flowed down his face. 

Percy got misty eyed as well as he embraced his teacher for the first time in two hundred years.

"I guess the present's the gods sent me all make sense now." Chiron said, the three newly immortal demigods looked at him confused until Chiron gestured them to follow him to the big house, all six followed the ancient centaur to the big house. Percy, Theseus and Achilles marveled  at the camp, the latter two in awe how demigods could live in peace as monsters tracked them without mercy or remorse in the past. Percy however was in awe at the fact that there were so many demigods that were under the age of twelve, the gods seemingly taking his oath seriously for once. Knowing that Calypso wasn't released from her punishment. 

They walked into the rec room, the ping pong table still there, Percy smiled at a few of the memories before getting serious as Chiron brought out a sword and bow. Theseus gasped as he grabbed his weapons for the first time in centuries, next was Achilles. Receiving his sword which was like Luke Castellans, a mix of celestial bronze and mortal iron and shield from the battle of Troy. 

Percy got a wrist watch and a ballpoint pen, he stared at the two seemingly mundane items intently. He seemed to be frozen on the spot, his memories with the blade good and bad ran rampant through his mind. 

"Percy?" Theseus asked before pointing to the the watch and pen. "What are those?" 

"This is my watch it turns into a shield." Percy said explaining the shield, as he put it on and it popped out. Detailed carvings on it from the first quest he went on with Tyson and her

"Than this pen is Riptide, my sword." Percy carried on proudly. 

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